1 // Copyright 2012 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
2 // file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
3 // http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
4 //
5 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
6 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
7 // <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
8 // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
9 // except according to those terms.
11 use ast;
12 use ast::P;
13 use codemap::{Span, respan};
14 use ext::base::*;
15 use ext::base;
16 use ext::build::AstBuilder;
17 use parse::token::InternedString;
18 use parse::token;
19 use rsparse = parse;
21 use parse = fmt_macros;
22 use collections::{HashMap, HashSet};
24 #[deriving(Eq)]
25 enum ArgumentType {
26 Known(StrBuf),
27 Unsigned,
28 String,
29 }
31 enum Position {
32 Exact(uint),
33 Named(StrBuf),
34 }
36 struct Context<'a, 'b> {
37 ecx: &'a mut ExtCtxt<'b>,
38 fmtsp: Span,
40 // Parsed argument expressions and the types that we've found so far for
41 // them.
42 args: Vec<@ast::Expr>,
43 arg_types: Vec<Option<ArgumentType>>,
44 // Parsed named expressions and the types that we've found for them so far.
45 // Note that we keep a side-array of the ordering of the named arguments
46 // found to be sure that we can translate them in the same order that they
47 // were declared in.
48 names: HashMap<StrBuf, @ast::Expr>,
49 name_types: HashMap<StrBuf, ArgumentType>,
50 name_ordering: Vec<StrBuf>,
52 // Collection of the compiled `rt::Piece` structures
53 pieces: Vec<@ast::Expr> ,
54 name_positions: HashMap<StrBuf, uint>,
55 method_statics: Vec<@ast::Item> ,
57 // Updated as arguments are consumed or methods are entered
58 nest_level: uint,
59 next_arg: uint,
60 }
62 /// Parses the arguments from the given list of tokens, returning None
63 /// if there's a parse error so we can continue parsing other format!
64 /// expressions.
65 ///
66 /// If parsing succeeds, the second return value is:
67 ///
68 /// Some((fmtstr, unnamed arguments, ordering of named arguments,
69 /// named arguments))
70 fn parse_args(ecx: &mut ExtCtxt, sp: Span, tts: &[ast::TokenTree])
71 -> (@ast::Expr, Option<(@ast::Expr, Vec<@ast::Expr>, Vec<StrBuf>,
72 HashMap<StrBuf, @ast::Expr>)>) {
73 let mut args = Vec::new();
74 let mut names = HashMap::<StrBuf, @ast::Expr>::new();
75 let mut order = Vec::new();
77 let mut p = rsparse::new_parser_from_tts(ecx.parse_sess(),
78 ecx.cfg(),
79 tts.iter()
80 .map(|x| (*x).clone())
81 .collect());
82 // Parse the leading function expression (maybe a block, maybe a path)
83 let extra = p.parse_expr();
84 if !p.eat(&token::COMMA) {
85 ecx.span_err(sp, "expected token: `,`");
86 return (extra, None);
87 }
89 if p.token == token::EOF {
90 ecx.span_err(sp, "requires at least a format string argument");
91 return (extra, None);
92 }
93 let fmtstr = p.parse_expr();
94 let mut named = false;
95 while p.token != token::EOF {
96 if !p.eat(&token::COMMA) {
97 ecx.span_err(sp, "expected token: `,`");
98 return (extra, None);
99 }
100 if p.token == token::EOF { break } // accept trailing commas
101 if named || (token::is_ident(&p.token) &&
102 p.look_ahead(1, |t| *t == token::EQ)) {
103 named = true;
104 let ident = match p.token {
105 token::IDENT(i, _) => {
106 p.bump();
107 i
108 }
109 _ if named => {
110 ecx.span_err(p.span,
111 "expected ident, positional arguments \
112 cannot follow named arguments");
113 return (extra, None);
114 }
115 _ => {
116 ecx.span_err(p.span,
117 format!("expected ident for named argument, but found `{}`",
118 p.this_token_to_str()));
119 return (extra, None);
120 }
121 };
122 let interned_name = token::get_ident(ident);
123 let name = interned_name.get();
124 p.expect(&token::EQ);
125 let e = p.parse_expr();
126 match names.find_equiv(&name) {
127 None => {}
128 Some(prev) => {
129 ecx.span_err(e.span, format!("duplicate argument named `{}`", name));
130 ecx.parse_sess.span_diagnostic.span_note(prev.span, "previously here");
131 continue
132 }
133 }
134 order.push(name.to_strbuf());
135 names.insert(name.to_strbuf(), e);
136 } else {
137 args.push(p.parse_expr());
138 }
139 }
140 return (extra, Some((fmtstr, args, order, names)));
141 }
143 impl<'a, 'b> Context<'a, 'b> {
144 /// Verifies one piece of a parse string. All errors are not emitted as
145 /// fatal so we can continue giving errors about this and possibly other
146 /// format strings.
147 fn verify_piece(&mut self, p: &parse::Piece) {
148 match *p {
149 parse::String(..) => {}
150 parse::CurrentArgument => {
151 if self.nest_level == 0 {
152 self.ecx.span_err(self.fmtsp,
153 "`#` reference used with nothing to \
154 reference back to");
155 }
156 }
157 parse::Argument(ref arg) => {
158 // width/precision first, if they have implicit positional
159 // parameters it makes more sense to consume them first.
160 self.verify_count(arg.format.width);
161 self.verify_count(arg.format.precision);
163 // argument second, if it's an implicit positional parameter
164 // it's written second, so it should come after width/precision.
165 let pos = match arg.position {
166 parse::ArgumentNext => {
167 let i = self.next_arg;
168 if self.check_positional_ok() {
169 self.next_arg += 1;
170 }
171 Exact(i)
172 }
173 parse::ArgumentIs(i) => Exact(i),
174 parse::ArgumentNamed(s) => Named(s.to_strbuf()),
175 };
177 // and finally the method being applied
178 match arg.method {
179 None => {
180 let ty = Known(arg.format.ty.to_strbuf());
181 self.verify_arg_type(pos, ty);
182 }
183 Some(ref method) => { self.verify_method(pos, *method); }
184 }
185 }
186 }
187 }
189 fn verify_pieces(&mut self, pieces: &[parse::Piece]) {
190 for piece in pieces.iter() {
191 self.verify_piece(piece);
192 }
193 }
195 fn verify_count(&mut self, c: parse::Count) {
196 match c {
197 parse::CountImplied | parse::CountIs(..) => {}
198 parse::CountIsParam(i) => {
199 self.verify_arg_type(Exact(i), Unsigned);
200 }
201 parse::CountIsName(s) => {
202 self.verify_arg_type(Named(s.to_strbuf()), Unsigned);
203 }
204 parse::CountIsNextParam => {
205 if self.check_positional_ok() {
206 self.verify_arg_type(Exact(self.next_arg), Unsigned);
207 self.next_arg += 1;
208 }
209 }
210 }
211 }
213 fn check_positional_ok(&mut self) -> bool {
214 if self.nest_level != 0 {
215 self.ecx.span_err(self.fmtsp, "cannot use implicit positional \
216 arguments nested inside methods");
217 false
218 } else {
219 true
220 }
221 }
223 fn verify_method(&mut self, pos: Position, m: &parse::Method) {
224 self.nest_level += 1;
225 match *m {
226 parse::Plural(_, ref arms, ref default) => {
227 let mut seen_cases = HashSet::new();
228 self.verify_arg_type(pos, Unsigned);
229 for arm in arms.iter() {
230 if !seen_cases.insert(arm.selector) {
231 match arm.selector {
232 parse::Keyword(name) => {
233 self.ecx.span_err(self.fmtsp,
234 format!("duplicate selector \
235 `{}`", name));
236 }
237 parse::Literal(idx) => {
238 self.ecx.span_err(self.fmtsp,
239 format!("duplicate selector \
240 `={}`", idx));
241 }
242 }
243 }
244 self.verify_pieces(arm.result.as_slice());
245 }
246 self.verify_pieces(default.as_slice());
247 }
248 parse::Select(ref arms, ref default) => {
249 self.verify_arg_type(pos, String);
250 let mut seen_cases = HashSet::new();
251 for arm in arms.iter() {
252 if !seen_cases.insert(arm.selector) {
253 self.ecx.span_err(self.fmtsp,
254 format!("duplicate selector `{}`",
255 arm.selector));
256 } else if arm.selector == "" {
257 self.ecx.span_err(self.fmtsp,
258 "empty selector in `select`");
259 }
260 self.verify_pieces(arm.result.as_slice());
261 }
262 self.verify_pieces(default.as_slice());
263 }
264 }
265 self.nest_level -= 1;
266 }
268 fn verify_arg_type(&mut self, arg: Position, ty: ArgumentType) {
269 match arg {
270 Exact(arg) => {
271 if self.args.len() <= arg {
272 let msg = format!("invalid reference to argument `{}` (there \
273 are {} arguments)", arg, self.args.len());
274 self.ecx.span_err(self.fmtsp, msg);
275 return;
276 }
277 {
278 let arg_type = match self.arg_types.get(arg) {
279 &None => None,
280 &Some(ref x) => Some(x)
281 };
282 self.verify_same(self.args.get(arg).span, &ty, arg_type);
283 }
284 if self.arg_types.get(arg).is_none() {
285 *self.arg_types.get_mut(arg) = Some(ty);
286 }
287 }
289 Named(name) => {
290 let span = match self.names.find(&name) {
291 Some(e) => e.span,
292 None => {
293 let msg = format!("there is no argument named `{}`", name);
294 self.ecx.span_err(self.fmtsp, msg);
295 return;
296 }
297 };
298 self.verify_same(span, &ty, self.name_types.find(&name));
299 if !self.name_types.contains_key(&name) {
300 self.name_types.insert(name.clone(), ty);
301 }
302 // Assign this named argument a slot in the arguments array if
303 // it hasn't already been assigned a slot.
304 if !self.name_positions.contains_key(&name) {
305 let slot = self.name_positions.len();
306 self.name_positions.insert(name, slot);
307 }
308 }
309 }
310 }
312 /// When we're keeping track of the types that are declared for certain
313 /// arguments, we assume that `None` means we haven't seen this argument
314 /// yet, `Some(None)` means that we've seen the argument, but no format was
315 /// specified, and `Some(Some(x))` means that the argument was declared to
316 /// have type `x`.
317 ///
318 /// Obviously `Some(Some(x)) != Some(Some(y))`, but we consider it true
319 /// that: `Some(None) == Some(Some(x))`
320 fn verify_same(&self,
321 sp: Span,
322 ty: &ArgumentType,
323 before: Option<&ArgumentType>) {
324 let cur = match before {
325 None => return,
326 Some(t) => t,
327 };
328 if *ty == *cur {
329 return
330 }
331 match (cur, ty) {
332 (&Known(ref cur), &Known(ref ty)) => {
333 self.ecx.span_err(sp,
334 format!("argument redeclared with type `{}` when \
335 it was previously `{}`",
336 *ty,
337 *cur));
338 }
339 (&Known(ref cur), _) => {
340 self.ecx.span_err(sp,
341 format!("argument used to format with `{}` was \
342 attempted to not be used for formatting",
343 *cur));
344 }
345 (_, &Known(ref ty)) => {
346 self.ecx.span_err(sp,
347 format!("argument previously used as a format \
348 argument attempted to be used as `{}`",
349 *ty));
350 }
351 (_, _) => {
352 self.ecx.span_err(sp, "argument declared with multiple formats");
353 }
354 }
355 }
357 /// These attributes are applied to all statics that this syntax extension
358 /// will generate.
359 fn static_attrs(&self) -> Vec<ast::Attribute> {
360 // Flag statics as `address_insignificant` so LLVM can merge duplicate
361 // globals as much as possible (which we're generating a whole lot of).
362 let unnamed = self.ecx
363 .meta_word(self.fmtsp,
364 InternedString::new(
365 "address_insignificant"));
366 let unnamed = self.ecx.attribute(self.fmtsp, unnamed);
368 // Do not warn format string as dead code
369 let dead_code = self.ecx.meta_word(self.fmtsp,
370 InternedString::new("dead_code"));
371 let allow_dead_code = self.ecx.meta_list(self.fmtsp,
372 InternedString::new("allow"),
373 vec!(dead_code));
374 let allow_dead_code = self.ecx.attribute(self.fmtsp, allow_dead_code);
375 return vec!(unnamed, allow_dead_code);
376 }
378 fn rtpath(&self, s: &str) -> Vec<ast::Ident> {
379 vec!(self.ecx.ident_of("std"), self.ecx.ident_of("fmt"),
380 self.ecx.ident_of("rt"), self.ecx.ident_of(s))
381 }
383 fn none(&self) -> @ast::Expr {
384 let none = self.ecx.path_global(self.fmtsp, vec!(
385 self.ecx.ident_of("std"),
386 self.ecx.ident_of("option"),
387 self.ecx.ident_of("None")));
388 self.ecx.expr_path(none)
389 }
391 fn some(&self, e: @ast::Expr) -> @ast::Expr {
392 let p = self.ecx.path_global(self.fmtsp, vec!(
393 self.ecx.ident_of("std"),
394 self.ecx.ident_of("option"),
395 self.ecx.ident_of("Some")));
396 let p = self.ecx.expr_path(p);
397 self.ecx.expr_call(self.fmtsp, p, vec!(e))
398 }
400 fn trans_count(&self, c: parse::Count) -> @ast::Expr {
401 let sp = self.fmtsp;
402 match c {
403 parse::CountIs(i) => {
404 self.ecx.expr_call_global(sp, self.rtpath("CountIs"),
405 vec!(self.ecx.expr_uint(sp, i)))
406 }
407 parse::CountIsParam(i) => {
408 self.ecx.expr_call_global(sp, self.rtpath("CountIsParam"),
409 vec!(self.ecx.expr_uint(sp, i)))
410 }
411 parse::CountImplied => {
412 let path = self.ecx.path_global(sp, self.rtpath("CountImplied"));
413 self.ecx.expr_path(path)
414 }
415 parse::CountIsNextParam => {
416 let path = self.ecx.path_global(sp, self.rtpath("CountIsNextParam"));
417 self.ecx.expr_path(path)
418 }
419 parse::CountIsName(n) => {
420 let i = match self.name_positions.find_equiv(&n) {
421 Some(&i) => i,
422 None => 0, // error already emitted elsewhere
423 };
424 let i = i + self.args.len();
425 self.ecx.expr_call_global(sp, self.rtpath("CountIsParam"),
426 vec!(self.ecx.expr_uint(sp, i)))
427 }
428 }
429 }
431 fn trans_method(&mut self, method: &parse::Method) -> @ast::Expr {
432 let sp = self.fmtsp;
433 let method = match *method {
434 parse::Select(ref arms, ref default) => {
435 let arms = arms.iter().map(|arm| {
436 let p = self.ecx.path_global(sp, self.rtpath("SelectArm"));
437 let result = arm.result.iter().map(|p| {
438 self.trans_piece(p)
439 }).collect();
440 let s = token::intern_and_get_ident(arm.selector);
441 let selector = self.ecx.expr_str(sp, s);
442 self.ecx.expr_struct(sp, p, vec!(
443 self.ecx.field_imm(sp,
444 self.ecx.ident_of("selector"),
445 selector),
446 self.ecx.field_imm(sp, self.ecx.ident_of("result"),
447 self.ecx.expr_vec_slice(sp, result))))
448 }).collect();
449 let default = default.iter().map(|p| {
450 self.trans_piece(p)
451 }).collect();
452 self.ecx.expr_call_global(sp, self.rtpath("Select"), vec!(
453 self.ecx.expr_vec_slice(sp, arms),
454 self.ecx.expr_vec_slice(sp, default)))
455 }
456 parse::Plural(offset, ref arms, ref default) => {
457 let offset = match offset {
458 Some(i) => { self.some(self.ecx.expr_uint(sp, i)) }
459 None => { self.none() }
460 };
461 let arms = arms.iter().map(|arm| {
462 let p = self.ecx.path_global(sp, self.rtpath("PluralArm"));
463 let result = arm.result.iter().map(|p| {
464 self.trans_piece(p)
465 }).collect();
466 let (lr, selarg) = match arm.selector {
467 parse::Keyword(t) => {
468 let p = self.rtpath(t.to_str());
469 let p = self.ecx.path_global(sp, p);
470 (self.rtpath("Keyword"), self.ecx.expr_path(p))
471 }
472 parse::Literal(i) => {
473 (self.rtpath("Literal"), self.ecx.expr_uint(sp, i))
474 }
475 };
476 let selector = self.ecx.expr_call_global(sp,
477 lr, vec!(selarg));
478 self.ecx.expr_struct(sp, p, vec!(
479 self.ecx.field_imm(sp,
480 self.ecx.ident_of("selector"),
481 selector),
482 self.ecx.field_imm(sp, self.ecx.ident_of("result"),
483 self.ecx.expr_vec_slice(sp, result))))
484 }).collect();
485 let default = default.iter().map(|p| {
486 self.trans_piece(p)
487 }).collect();
488 self.ecx.expr_call_global(sp, self.rtpath("Plural"), vec!(
489 offset,
490 self.ecx.expr_vec_slice(sp, arms),
491 self.ecx.expr_vec_slice(sp, default)))
492 }
493 };
494 let life = self.ecx.lifetime(sp, self.ecx.ident_of("static").name);
495 let ty = self.ecx.ty_path(self.ecx.path_all(
496 sp,
497 true,
498 self.rtpath("Method"),
499 vec!(life),
500 Vec::new()
501 ), None);
502 let st = ast::ItemStatic(ty, ast::MutImmutable, method);
503 let static_name = self.ecx.ident_of(format!("__STATIC_METHOD_{}",
504 self.method_statics.len()));
505 let item = self.ecx.item(sp, static_name, self.static_attrs(), st);
506 self.method_statics.push(item);
507 self.ecx.expr_ident(sp, static_name)
508 }
510 /// Translate a `parse::Piece` to a static `rt::Piece`
511 fn trans_piece(&mut self, piece: &parse::Piece) -> @ast::Expr {
512 let sp = self.fmtsp;
513 match *piece {
514 parse::String(s) => {
515 let s = token::intern_and_get_ident(s);
516 self.ecx.expr_call_global(sp,
517 self.rtpath("String"),
518 vec!(
519 self.ecx.expr_str(sp, s)
520 ))
521 }
522 parse::CurrentArgument => {
523 let nil = self.ecx.expr_lit(sp, ast::LitNil);
524 self.ecx.expr_call_global(sp, self.rtpath("CurrentArgument"), vec!(nil))
525 }
526 parse::Argument(ref arg) => {
527 // Translate the position
528 let pos = match arg.position {
529 // These two have a direct mapping
530 parse::ArgumentNext => {
531 let path = self.ecx.path_global(sp,
532 self.rtpath("ArgumentNext"));
533 self.ecx.expr_path(path)
534 }
535 parse::ArgumentIs(i) => {
536 self.ecx.expr_call_global(sp, self.rtpath("ArgumentIs"),
537 vec!(self.ecx.expr_uint(sp, i)))
538 }
539 // Named arguments are converted to positional arguments at
540 // the end of the list of arguments
541 parse::ArgumentNamed(n) => {
542 let i = match self.name_positions.find_equiv(&n) {
543 Some(&i) => i,
544 None => 0, // error already emitted elsewhere
545 };
546 let i = i + self.args.len();
547 self.ecx.expr_call_global(sp, self.rtpath("ArgumentIs"),
548 vec!(self.ecx.expr_uint(sp, i)))
549 }
550 };
552 // Translate the format
553 let fill = match arg.format.fill { Some(c) => c, None => ' ' };
554 let fill = self.ecx.expr_lit(sp, ast::LitChar(fill));
555 let align = match arg.format.align {
556 parse::AlignLeft => {
557 self.ecx.path_global(sp, self.rtpath("AlignLeft"))
558 }
559 parse::AlignRight => {
560 self.ecx.path_global(sp, self.rtpath("AlignRight"))
561 }
562 parse::AlignUnknown => {
563 self.ecx.path_global(sp, self.rtpath("AlignUnknown"))
564 }
565 };
566 let align = self.ecx.expr_path(align);
567 let flags = self.ecx.expr_uint(sp, arg.format.flags);
568 let prec = self.trans_count(arg.format.precision);
569 let width = self.trans_count(arg.format.width);
570 let path = self.ecx.path_global(sp, self.rtpath("FormatSpec"));
571 let fmt = self.ecx.expr_struct(sp, path, vec!(
572 self.ecx.field_imm(sp, self.ecx.ident_of("fill"), fill),
573 self.ecx.field_imm(sp, self.ecx.ident_of("align"), align),
574 self.ecx.field_imm(sp, self.ecx.ident_of("flags"), flags),
575 self.ecx.field_imm(sp, self.ecx.ident_of("precision"), prec),
576 self.ecx.field_imm(sp, self.ecx.ident_of("width"), width)));
578 // Translate the method (if any)
579 let method = match arg.method {
580 None => { self.none() }
581 Some(ref m) => {
582 let m = self.trans_method(*m);
583 self.some(self.ecx.expr_addr_of(sp, m))
584 }
585 };
586 let path = self.ecx.path_global(sp, self.rtpath("Argument"));
587 let s = self.ecx.expr_struct(sp, path, vec!(
588 self.ecx.field_imm(sp, self.ecx.ident_of("position"), pos),
589 self.ecx.field_imm(sp, self.ecx.ident_of("format"), fmt),
590 self.ecx.field_imm(sp, self.ecx.ident_of("method"), method)));
591 self.ecx.expr_call_global(sp, self.rtpath("Argument"), vec!(s))
592 }
593 }
594 }
596 /// Actually builds the expression which the iformat! block will be expanded
597 /// to
598 fn to_expr(&self, extra: @ast::Expr) -> @ast::Expr {
599 let mut lets = Vec::new();
600 let mut locals = Vec::new();
601 let mut names = Vec::from_fn(self.name_positions.len(), |_| None);
602 let mut pats = Vec::new();
603 let mut heads = Vec::new();
605 // First, declare all of our methods that are statics
606 for &method in self.method_statics.iter() {
607 let decl = respan(self.fmtsp, ast::DeclItem(method));
608 lets.push(@respan(self.fmtsp,
609 ast::StmtDecl(@decl, ast::DUMMY_NODE_ID)));
610 }
612 // Next, build up the static array which will become our precompiled
613 // format "string"
614 let fmt = self.ecx.expr_vec(self.fmtsp, self.pieces.clone());
615 let piece_ty = self.ecx.ty_path(self.ecx.path_all(
616 self.fmtsp,
617 true, vec!(
618 self.ecx.ident_of("std"),
619 self.ecx.ident_of("fmt"),
620 self.ecx.ident_of("rt"),
621 self.ecx.ident_of("Piece")),
622 vec!(self.ecx.lifetime(self.fmtsp,
623 self.ecx.ident_of("static").name)),
624 Vec::new()
625 ), None);
626 let ty = ast::TyFixedLengthVec(
627 piece_ty,
628 self.ecx.expr_uint(self.fmtsp, self.pieces.len())
629 );
630 let ty = self.ecx.ty(self.fmtsp, ty);
631 let st = ast::ItemStatic(ty, ast::MutImmutable, fmt);
632 let static_name = self.ecx.ident_of("__STATIC_FMTSTR");
633 let item = self.ecx.item(self.fmtsp, static_name,
634 self.static_attrs(), st);
635 let decl = respan(self.fmtsp, ast::DeclItem(item));
636 lets.push(@respan(self.fmtsp, ast::StmtDecl(@decl, ast::DUMMY_NODE_ID)));
638 // Right now there is a bug such that for the expression:
639 // foo(bar(&1))
640 // the lifetime of `1` doesn't outlast the call to `bar`, so it's not
641 // vald for the call to `foo`. To work around this all arguments to the
642 // format! string are shoved into locals. Furthermore, we shove the address
643 // of each variable because we don't want to move out of the arguments
644 // passed to this function.
645 for (i, &e) in self.args.iter().enumerate() {
646 if self.arg_types.get(i).is_none() {
647 continue // error already generated
648 }
650 let name = self.ecx.ident_of(format!("__arg{}", i));
651 pats.push(self.ecx.pat_ident(e.span, name));
652 heads.push(self.ecx.expr_addr_of(e.span, e));
653 locals.push(self.format_arg(e.span, Exact(i),
654 self.ecx.expr_ident(e.span, name)));
655 }
656 for name in self.name_ordering.iter() {
657 let e = match self.names.find(name) {
658 Some(&e) if self.name_types.contains_key(name) => e,
659 Some(..) | None => continue
660 };
662 let lname = self.ecx.ident_of(format!("__arg{}", *name));
663 pats.push(self.ecx.pat_ident(e.span, lname));
664 heads.push(self.ecx.expr_addr_of(e.span, e));
665 *names.get_mut(*self.name_positions.get(name)) =
666 Some(self.format_arg(e.span,
667 Named((*name).clone()),
668 self.ecx.expr_ident(e.span, lname)));
669 }
671 // Now create a vector containing all the arguments
672 let slicename = self.ecx.ident_of("__args_vec");
673 {
674 let args = names.move_iter().map(|a| a.unwrap());
675 let mut args = locals.move_iter().chain(args);
676 let args = self.ecx.expr_vec_slice(self.fmtsp, args.collect());
677 lets.push(self.ecx.stmt_let(self.fmtsp, false, slicename, args));
678 }
680 // Now create the fmt::Arguments struct with all our locals we created.
681 let fmt = self.ecx.expr_ident(self.fmtsp, static_name);
682 let args_slice = self.ecx.expr_ident(self.fmtsp, slicename);
683 let result = self.ecx.expr_call_global(self.fmtsp, vec!(
684 self.ecx.ident_of("std"),
685 self.ecx.ident_of("fmt"),
686 self.ecx.ident_of("Arguments"),
687 self.ecx.ident_of("new")), vec!(fmt, args_slice));
689 // We did all the work of making sure that the arguments
690 // structure is safe, so we can safely have an unsafe block.
691 let result = self.ecx.expr_block(P(ast::Block {
692 view_items: Vec::new(),
693 stmts: Vec::new(),
694 expr: Some(result),
695 id: ast::DUMMY_NODE_ID,
696 rules: ast::UnsafeBlock(ast::CompilerGenerated),
697 span: self.fmtsp,
698 }));
699 let resname = self.ecx.ident_of("__args");
700 lets.push(self.ecx.stmt_let(self.fmtsp, false, resname, result));
701 let res = self.ecx.expr_ident(self.fmtsp, resname);
702 let result = self.ecx.expr_call(extra.span, extra, vec!(
703 self.ecx.expr_addr_of(extra.span, res)));
704 let body = self.ecx.expr_block(self.ecx.block(self.fmtsp, lets,
705 Some(result)));
707 // Constructs an AST equivalent to:
708 //
709 // match (&arg0, &arg1) {
710 // (tmp0, tmp1) => body
711 // }
712 //
713 // It was:
714 //
715 // let tmp0 = &arg0;
716 // let tmp1 = &arg1;
717 // body
718 //
719 // Because of #11585 the new temporary lifetime rule, the enclosing
720 // statements for these temporaries become the let's themselves.
721 // If one or more of them are RefCell's, RefCell borrow() will also
722 // end there; they don't last long enough for body to use them. The
723 // match expression solves the scope problem.
724 //
725 // Note, it may also very well be transformed to:
726 //
727 // match arg0 {
728 // ref tmp0 => {
729 // match arg1 => {
730 // ref tmp1 => body } } }
731 //
732 // But the nested match expression is proved to perform not as well
733 // as series of let's; the first approach does.
734 let pat = self.ecx.pat(self.fmtsp, ast::PatTup(pats));
735 let arm = self.ecx.arm(self.fmtsp, vec!(pat), body);
736 let head = self.ecx.expr(self.fmtsp, ast::ExprTup(heads));
737 self.ecx.expr_match(self.fmtsp, head, vec!(arm))
738 }
740 fn format_arg(&self, sp: Span, argno: Position, arg: @ast::Expr)
741 -> @ast::Expr {
742 let ty = match argno {
743 Exact(ref i) => self.arg_types.get(*i).get_ref(),
744 Named(ref s) => self.name_types.get(s)
745 };
747 let fmt_fn = match *ty {
748 Known(ref tyname) => {
749 match tyname.as_slice() {
750 "" => "secret_show",
751 "?" => "secret_poly",
752 "b" => "secret_bool",
753 "c" => "secret_char",
754 "d" | "i" => "secret_signed",
755 "e" => "secret_lower_exp",
756 "E" => "secret_upper_exp",
757 "f" => "secret_float",
758 "o" => "secret_octal",
759 "p" => "secret_pointer",
760 "s" => "secret_string",
761 "t" => "secret_binary",
762 "u" => "secret_unsigned",
763 "x" => "secret_lower_hex",
764 "X" => "secret_upper_hex",
765 _ => {
766 self.ecx.span_err(sp, format!("unknown format trait `{}`",
767 *tyname));
768 "dummy"
769 }
770 }
771 }
772 String => {
773 return self.ecx.expr_call_global(sp, vec!(
774 self.ecx.ident_of("std"),
775 self.ecx.ident_of("fmt"),
776 self.ecx.ident_of("argumentstr")), vec!(arg))
777 }
778 Unsigned => {
779 return self.ecx.expr_call_global(sp, vec!(
780 self.ecx.ident_of("std"),
781 self.ecx.ident_of("fmt"),
782 self.ecx.ident_of("argumentuint")), vec!(arg))
783 }
784 };
786 let format_fn = self.ecx.path_global(sp, vec!(
787 self.ecx.ident_of("std"),
788 self.ecx.ident_of("fmt"),
789 self.ecx.ident_of(fmt_fn)));
790 self.ecx.expr_call_global(sp, vec!(
791 self.ecx.ident_of("std"),
792 self.ecx.ident_of("fmt"),
793 self.ecx.ident_of("argument")), vec!(self.ecx.expr_path(format_fn), arg))
794 }
795 }
797 pub fn expand_args(ecx: &mut ExtCtxt, sp: Span,
798 tts: &[ast::TokenTree]) -> Box<base::MacResult> {
800 match parse_args(ecx, sp, tts) {
801 (extra, Some((efmt, args, order, names))) => {
802 MacExpr::new(expand_preparsed_format_args(ecx, sp, extra, efmt, args,
803 order, names))
804 }
805 (_, None) => MacExpr::new(ecx.expr_uint(sp, 2))
806 }
807 }
809 /// Take the various parts of `format_args!(extra, efmt, args...,
810 /// name=names...)` and construct the appropriate formatting
811 /// expression.
812 pub fn expand_preparsed_format_args(ecx: &mut ExtCtxt, sp: Span,
813 extra: @ast::Expr,
814 efmt: @ast::Expr, args: Vec<@ast::Expr>,
815 name_ordering: Vec<StrBuf>,
816 names: HashMap<StrBuf, @ast::Expr>) -> @ast::Expr {
817 let arg_types = Vec::from_fn(args.len(), |_| None);
818 let mut cx = Context {
819 ecx: ecx,
820 args: args,
821 arg_types: arg_types,
822 names: names,
823 name_positions: HashMap::new(),
824 name_types: HashMap::new(),
825 name_ordering: name_ordering,
826 nest_level: 0,
827 next_arg: 0,
828 pieces: Vec::new(),
829 method_statics: Vec::new(),
830 fmtsp: sp,
831 };
832 cx.fmtsp = efmt.span;
833 let fmt = match expr_to_str(cx.ecx,
834 efmt,
835 "format argument must be a string literal.") {
836 Some((fmt, _)) => fmt,
837 None => return DummyResult::raw_expr(sp)
838 };
840 let mut parser = parse::Parser::new(fmt.get());
841 loop {
842 match parser.next() {
843 Some(piece) => {
844 if parser.errors.len() > 0 { break }
845 cx.verify_piece(&piece);
846 let piece = cx.trans_piece(&piece);
847 cx.pieces.push(piece);
848 }
849 None => break
850 }
851 }
852 match parser.errors.shift() {
853 Some(error) => {
854 cx.ecx.span_err(efmt.span, "invalid format string: " + error);
855 return DummyResult::raw_expr(sp);
856 }
857 None => {}
858 }
860 // Make sure that all arguments were used and all arguments have types.
861 for (i, ty) in cx.arg_types.iter().enumerate() {
862 if ty.is_none() {
863 cx.ecx.span_err(cx.args.get(i).span, "argument never used");
864 }
865 }
866 for (name, e) in cx.names.iter() {
867 if !cx.name_types.contains_key(name) {
868 cx.ecx.span_err(e.span, "named argument never used");
869 }
870 }
872 cx.to_expr(extra)
873 }
libsyntax/ext/format.rs:30:1-30:1 -enum- definition:
enum Position {
references:- 3740: fn format_arg(&self, sp: Span, argno: Position, arg: @ast::Expr)
741: -> @ast::Expr {
libsyntax/ext/format.rs:811:16-811:16 -fn- definition:
/// expression.
pub fn expand_preparsed_format_args(ecx: &mut ExtCtxt, sp: Span,
extra: @ast::Expr,
references:- 2libsyntax/ext/deriving/show.rs:
137: // phew, not our responsibility any more!
138: format::expand_preparsed_format_args(cx, span,
139: format_closure,
801: (extra, Some((efmt, args, order, names))) => {
802: MacExpr::new(expand_preparsed_format_args(ecx, sp, extra, efmt, args,
803: order, names))
libsyntax/ext/format.rs:24:16-24:16 -enum- definition:
enum ArgumentType {
references:- 825: enum ArgumentType {
322: ty: &ArgumentType,
323: before: Option<&ArgumentType>) {
324: let cur = match before {
libsyntax/ext/format.rs:35:1-35:1 -struct- definition:
struct Context<'a, 'b> {
ecx: &'a mut ExtCtxt<'b>,
fmtsp: Span,
references:- 2143: impl<'a, 'b> Context<'a, 'b> {
144: /// Verifies one piece of a parse string. All errors are not emitted as
817: let arg_types = Vec::from_fn(args.len(), |_| None);
818: let mut cx = Context {
819: ecx: ecx,