1 // Copyright 2012 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
2 // file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
3 // http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
4 //
5 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
6 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
7 // <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
8 // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
9 // except according to those terms.
11 extern crate libc;
13 use codemap::{Pos, Span};
14 use codemap;
16 use std::cell::{RefCell, Cell};
17 use std::fmt;
18 use std::io;
19 use std::iter::range;
20 use std::strbuf::StrBuf;
21 use term;
23 // maximum number of lines we will print for each error; arbitrary.
24 static MAX_LINES: uint = 6u;
26 #[deriving(Clone)]
27 pub enum RenderSpan {
28 /// A FullSpan renders with both with an initial line for the
29 /// message, prefixed by file:linenum, followed by a summary of
30 /// the source code covered by the span.
31 FullSpan(Span),
33 /// A FileLine renders with just a line for the message prefixed
34 /// by file:linenum.
35 FileLine(Span),
36 }
38 impl RenderSpan {
39 fn span(self) -> Span {
40 match self {
41 FullSpan(s) | FileLine(s) => s
42 }
43 }
44 fn is_full_span(&self) -> bool {
45 match self {
46 &FullSpan(..) => true,
47 &FileLine(..) => false,
48 }
49 }
50 }
52 pub trait Emitter {
53 fn emit(&mut self, cmsp: Option<(&codemap::CodeMap, Span)>,
54 msg: &str, lvl: Level);
55 fn custom_emit(&mut self, cm: &codemap::CodeMap,
56 sp: RenderSpan, msg: &str, lvl: Level);
57 }
59 /// This structure is used to signify that a task has failed with a fatal error
60 /// from the diagnostics. You can use this with the `Any` trait to figure out
61 /// how a rustc task died (if so desired).
62 pub struct FatalError;
64 /// Signifies that the compiler died with an explicit call to `.bug`
65 /// or `.span_bug` rather than a failed assertion, etc.
66 pub struct ExplicitBug;
68 // a span-handler is like a handler but also
69 // accepts span information for source-location
70 // reporting.
71 pub struct SpanHandler {
72 pub handler: Handler,
73 pub cm: codemap::CodeMap,
74 }
76 impl SpanHandler {
77 pub fn span_fatal(&self, sp: Span, msg: &str) -> ! {
78 self.handler.emit(Some((&self.cm, sp)), msg, Fatal);
79 fail!(FatalError);
80 }
81 pub fn span_err(&self, sp: Span, msg: &str) {
82 self.handler.emit(Some((&self.cm, sp)), msg, Error);
83 self.handler.bump_err_count();
84 }
85 pub fn span_warn(&self, sp: Span, msg: &str) {
86 self.handler.emit(Some((&self.cm, sp)), msg, Warning);
87 }
88 pub fn span_note(&self, sp: Span, msg: &str) {
89 self.handler.emit(Some((&self.cm, sp)), msg, Note);
90 }
91 pub fn span_end_note(&self, sp: Span, msg: &str) {
92 self.handler.custom_emit(&self.cm, FullSpan(sp), msg, Note);
93 }
94 pub fn fileline_note(&self, sp: Span, msg: &str) {
95 self.handler.custom_emit(&self.cm, FileLine(sp), msg, Note);
96 }
97 pub fn span_bug(&self, sp: Span, msg: &str) -> ! {
98 self.handler.emit(Some((&self.cm, sp)), msg, Bug);
99 fail!(ExplicitBug);
100 }
101 pub fn span_unimpl(&self, sp: Span, msg: &str) -> ! {
102 self.span_bug(sp, "unimplemented ".to_owned() + msg);
103 }
104 pub fn handler<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a Handler {
105 &self.handler
106 }
107 }
109 // a handler deals with errors; certain errors
110 // (fatal, bug, unimpl) may cause immediate exit,
111 // others log errors for later reporting.
112 pub struct Handler {
113 err_count: Cell<uint>,
114 emit: RefCell<Box<Emitter:Send>>,
115 }
117 impl Handler {
118 pub fn fatal(&self, msg: &str) -> ! {
119 self.emit.borrow_mut().emit(None, msg, Fatal);
120 fail!(FatalError);
121 }
122 pub fn err(&self, msg: &str) {
123 self.emit.borrow_mut().emit(None, msg, Error);
124 self.bump_err_count();
125 }
126 pub fn bump_err_count(&self) {
127 self.err_count.set(self.err_count.get() + 1u);
128 }
129 pub fn err_count(&self) -> uint {
130 self.err_count.get()
131 }
132 pub fn has_errors(&self) -> bool {
133 self.err_count.get()> 0u
134 }
135 pub fn abort_if_errors(&self) {
136 let s;
137 match self.err_count.get() {
138 0u => return,
139 1u => s = "aborting due to previous error".to_owned(),
140 _ => {
141 s = format!("aborting due to {} previous errors",
142 self.err_count.get());
143 }
144 }
145 self.fatal(s);
146 }
147 pub fn warn(&self, msg: &str) {
148 self.emit.borrow_mut().emit(None, msg, Warning);
149 }
150 pub fn note(&self, msg: &str) {
151 self.emit.borrow_mut().emit(None, msg, Note);
152 }
153 pub fn bug(&self, msg: &str) -> ! {
154 self.emit.borrow_mut().emit(None, msg, Bug);
155 fail!(ExplicitBug);
156 }
157 pub fn unimpl(&self, msg: &str) -> ! {
158 self.bug("unimplemented ".to_owned() + msg);
159 }
160 pub fn emit(&self,
161 cmsp: Option<(&codemap::CodeMap, Span)>,
162 msg: &str,
163 lvl: Level) {
164 self.emit.borrow_mut().emit(cmsp, msg, lvl);
165 }
166 pub fn custom_emit(&self, cm: &codemap::CodeMap,
167 sp: RenderSpan, msg: &str, lvl: Level) {
168 self.emit.borrow_mut().custom_emit(cm, sp, msg, lvl);
169 }
170 }
172 pub fn mk_span_handler(handler: Handler, cm: codemap::CodeMap) -> SpanHandler {
173 SpanHandler {
174 handler: handler,
175 cm: cm,
176 }
177 }
179 pub fn default_handler() -> Handler {
180 mk_handler(box EmitterWriter::stderr())
181 }
183 pub fn mk_handler(e: Box<Emitter:Send>) -> Handler {
184 Handler {
185 err_count: Cell::new(0),
186 emit: RefCell::new(e),
187 }
188 }
190 #[deriving(Eq)]
191 pub enum Level {
192 Bug,
193 Fatal,
194 Error,
195 Warning,
196 Note,
197 }
199 impl fmt::Show for Level {
200 fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
201 use std::fmt::Show;
203 match *self {
204 Bug => "error: internal compiler error".fmt(f),
205 Fatal | Error => "error".fmt(f),
206 Warning => "warning".fmt(f),
207 Note => "note".fmt(f),
208 }
209 }
210 }
212 impl Level {
213 fn color(self) -> term::color::Color {
214 match self {
215 Bug | Fatal | Error => term::color::BRIGHT_RED,
216 Warning => term::color::BRIGHT_YELLOW,
217 Note => term::color::BRIGHT_GREEN
218 }
219 }
220 }
222 fn print_maybe_styled(w: &mut EmitterWriter,
223 msg: &str,
224 color: term::attr::Attr) -> io::IoResult<()> {
225 match w.dst {
226 Terminal(ref mut t) => {
227 try!(t.attr(color));
228 try!(t.write_str(msg));
229 try!(t.reset());
230 Ok(())
231 }
232 Raw(ref mut w) => {
233 w.write_str(msg)
234 }
235 }
236 }
238 fn print_diagnostic(dst: &mut EmitterWriter,
239 topic: &str, lvl: Level, msg: &str) -> io::IoResult<()> {
240 if !topic.is_empty() {
241 try!(write!(&mut dst.dst, "{} ", topic));
242 }
244 try!(print_maybe_styled(dst, format!("{}: ", lvl.to_str()),
245 term::attr::ForegroundColor(lvl.color())));
246 try!(print_maybe_styled(dst, format!("{}\n", msg), term::attr::Bold));
247 Ok(())
248 }
250 pub struct EmitterWriter {
251 dst: Destination,
252 }
254 enum Destination {
255 Terminal(term::Terminal<io::stdio::StdWriter>),
256 Raw(Box<Writer:Send>),
257 }
259 impl EmitterWriter {
260 pub fn stderr() -> EmitterWriter {
261 let stderr = io::stderr();
262 if stderr.get_ref().isatty() {
263 let dst = match term::Terminal::new(stderr.unwrap()) {
264 Ok(t) => Terminal(t),
265 Err(..) => Raw(box io::stderr()),
266 };
267 EmitterWriter { dst: dst }
268 } else {
269 EmitterWriter { dst: Raw(box stderr) }
270 }
271 }
273 pub fn new(dst: Box<Writer:Send>) -> EmitterWriter {
274 EmitterWriter { dst: Raw(dst) }
275 }
276 }
278 impl Writer for Destination {
279 fn write(&mut self, bytes: &[u8]) -> io::IoResult<()> {
280 match *self {
281 Terminal(ref mut t) => t.write(bytes),
282 Raw(ref mut w) => w.write(bytes),
283 }
284 }
285 }
287 impl Emitter for EmitterWriter {
288 fn emit(&mut self,
289 cmsp: Option<(&codemap::CodeMap, Span)>,
290 msg: &str,
291 lvl: Level) {
292 let error = match cmsp {
293 Some((cm, sp)) => emit(self, cm, FullSpan(sp), msg, lvl, false),
294 None => print_diagnostic(self, "", lvl, msg),
295 };
297 match error {
298 Ok(()) => {}
299 Err(e) => fail!("failed to print diagnostics: {}", e),
300 }
301 }
303 fn custom_emit(&mut self, cm: &codemap::CodeMap,
304 sp: RenderSpan, msg: &str, lvl: Level) {
305 match emit(self, cm, sp, msg, lvl, true) {
306 Ok(()) => {}
307 Err(e) => fail!("failed to print diagnostics: {}", e),
308 }
309 }
310 }
312 fn emit(dst: &mut EmitterWriter, cm: &codemap::CodeMap, rsp: RenderSpan,
313 msg: &str, lvl: Level, custom: bool) -> io::IoResult<()> {
314 let sp = rsp.span();
315 let ss = cm.span_to_str(sp);
316 let lines = cm.span_to_lines(sp);
317 if custom {
318 // we want to tell compiletest/runtest to look at the last line of the
319 // span (since `custom_highlight_lines` displays an arrow to the end of
320 // the span)
321 let span_end = Span { lo: sp.hi, hi: sp.hi, expn_info: sp.expn_info};
322 let ses = cm.span_to_str(span_end);
323 try!(print_diagnostic(dst, ses.as_slice(), lvl, msg));
324 if rsp.is_full_span() {
325 try!(custom_highlight_lines(dst, cm, sp, lvl, lines));
326 }
327 } else {
328 try!(print_diagnostic(dst, ss.as_slice(), lvl, msg));
329 if rsp.is_full_span() {
330 try!(highlight_lines(dst, cm, sp, lvl, lines));
331 }
332 }
333 print_macro_backtrace(dst, cm, sp)
334 }
336 fn highlight_lines(err: &mut EmitterWriter,
337 cm: &codemap::CodeMap,
338 sp: Span,
339 lvl: Level,
340 lines: codemap::FileLines) -> io::IoResult<()> {
341 let fm = &*lines.file;
343 let mut elided = false;
344 let mut display_lines = lines.lines.as_slice();
345 if display_lines.len() > MAX_LINES {
346 display_lines = display_lines.slice(0u, MAX_LINES);
347 elided = true;
348 }
349 // Print the offending lines
350 for line in display_lines.iter() {
351 try!(write!(&mut err.dst, "{}:{} {}\n", fm.name, *line + 1,
352 fm.get_line(*line as int)));
353 }
354 if elided {
355 let last_line = display_lines[display_lines.len() - 1u];
356 let s = format!("{}:{} ", fm.name, last_line + 1u);
357 try!(write!(&mut err.dst, "{0:1$}...\n", "", s.len()));
358 }
360 // FIXME (#3260)
361 // If there's one line at fault we can easily point to the problem
362 if lines.lines.len() == 1u {
363 let lo = cm.lookup_char_pos(sp.lo);
364 let mut digits = 0u;
365 let mut num = (*lines.lines.get(0) + 1u) / 10u;
367 // how many digits must be indent past?
368 while num > 0u { num /= 10u; digits += 1u; }
370 // indent past |name:## | and the 0-offset column location
371 let left = fm.name.len() + digits + lo.col.to_uint() + 3u;
372 let mut s = StrBuf::new();
373 // Skip is the number of characters we need to skip because they are
374 // part of the 'filename:line ' part of the previous line.
375 let skip = fm.name.len() + digits + 3u;
376 for _ in range(0, skip) {
377 s.push_char(' ');
378 }
379 let orig = fm.get_line(*lines.lines.get(0) as int);
380 for pos in range(0u, left-skip) {
381 let cur_char = orig.as_slice()[pos] as char;
382 // Whenever a tab occurs on the previous line, we insert one on
383 // the error-point-squiggly-line as well (instead of a space).
384 // That way the squiggly line will usually appear in the correct
385 // position.
386 match cur_char {
387 '\t' => s.push_char('\t'),
388 _ => s.push_char(' '),
389 };
390 }
391 try!(write!(&mut err.dst, "{}", s));
392 let mut s = StrBuf::from_str("^");
393 let hi = cm.lookup_char_pos(sp.hi);
394 if hi.col != lo.col {
395 // the ^ already takes up one space
396 let num_squigglies = hi.col.to_uint()-lo.col.to_uint()-1u;
397 for _ in range(0, num_squigglies) {
398 s.push_char('~');
399 }
400 }
401 try!(print_maybe_styled(err, s.into_owned() + "\n",
402 term::attr::ForegroundColor(lvl.color())));
403 }
404 Ok(())
405 }
407 // Here are the differences between this and the normal `highlight_lines`:
408 // `custom_highlight_lines` will always put arrow on the last byte of the
409 // span (instead of the first byte). Also, when the span is too long (more
410 // than 6 lines), `custom_highlight_lines` will print the first line, then
411 // dot dot dot, then last line, whereas `highlight_lines` prints the first
412 // six lines.
413 fn custom_highlight_lines(w: &mut EmitterWriter,
414 cm: &codemap::CodeMap,
415 sp: Span,
416 lvl: Level,
417 lines: codemap::FileLines)
418 -> io::IoResult<()> {
419 let fm = &*lines.file;
421 let lines = lines.lines.as_slice();
422 if lines.len() > MAX_LINES {
423 try!(write!(&mut w.dst, "{}:{} {}\n", fm.name,
424 lines[0] + 1, fm.get_line(lines[0] as int)));
425 try!(write!(&mut w.dst, "...\n"));
426 let last_line = lines[lines.len()-1];
427 try!(write!(&mut w.dst, "{}:{} {}\n", fm.name,
428 last_line + 1, fm.get_line(last_line as int)));
429 } else {
430 for line in lines.iter() {
431 try!(write!(&mut w.dst, "{}:{} {}\n", fm.name,
432 *line + 1, fm.get_line(*line as int)));
433 }
434 }
435 let last_line_start = format!("{}:{} ", fm.name, lines[lines.len()-1]+1);
436 let hi = cm.lookup_char_pos(sp.hi);
437 // Span seems to use half-opened interval, so subtract 1
438 let skip = last_line_start.len() + hi.col.to_uint() - 1;
439 let mut s = StrBuf::new();
440 for _ in range(0, skip) {
441 s.push_char(' ');
442 }
443 s.push_char('^');
444 s.push_char('\n');
445 print_maybe_styled(w,
446 s.into_owned(),
447 term::attr::ForegroundColor(lvl.color()))
448 }
450 fn print_macro_backtrace(w: &mut EmitterWriter,
451 cm: &codemap::CodeMap,
452 sp: Span)
453 -> io::IoResult<()> {
454 for ei in sp.expn_info.iter() {
455 let ss = ei.callee
456 .span
457 .as_ref()
458 .map_or("".to_strbuf(), |span| cm.span_to_str(*span));
459 let (pre, post) = match ei.callee.format {
460 codemap::MacroAttribute => ("#[", "]"),
461 codemap::MacroBang => ("", "!")
462 };
463 try!(print_diagnostic(w, ss.as_slice(), Note,
464 format!("in expansion of {}{}{}", pre,
465 ei.callee.name, post)));
466 let ss = cm.span_to_str(ei.call_site);
467 try!(print_diagnostic(w, ss.as_slice(), Note, "expansion site"));
468 try!(print_macro_backtrace(w, cm, ei.call_site));
469 }
470 Ok(())
471 }
473 pub fn expect<T:Clone>(diag: &SpanHandler, opt: Option<T>, msg: || -> StrBuf)
474 -> T {
475 match opt {
476 Some(ref t) => (*t).clone(),
477 None => diag.handler().bug(msg().as_slice()),
478 }
479 }
libsyntax/diagnostic.rs:190:16-190:16 -enum- definition:
pub enum Level {
references:- 15191: pub enum Level {
415: sp: Span,
416: lvl: Level,
417: lines: codemap::FileLines)
libsyntax/diagnostic.rs:51:1-51:1 -trait- definition:
pub trait Emitter {
fn emit(&mut self, cmsp: Option<(&codemap::CodeMap, Span)>,
msg: &str, lvl: Level);
references:- 3287: impl Emitter for EmitterWriter {
288: fn emit(&mut self,
libsyntax/diagnostic.rs:249:1-249:1 -struct- definition:
pub struct EmitterWriter {
dst: Destination,
references:- 13273: pub fn new(dst: Box<Writer:Send>) -> EmitterWriter {
274: EmitterWriter { dst: Raw(dst) }
275: }
336: fn highlight_lines(err: &mut EmitterWriter,
337: cm: &codemap::CodeMap,
450: fn print_macro_backtrace(w: &mut EmitterWriter,
451: cm: &codemap::CodeMap,
libsyntax/diagnostic.rs:237:1-237:1 -fn- definition:
fn print_diagnostic(dst: &mut EmitterWriter,
topic: &str, lvl: Level, msg: &str) -> io::IoResult<()> {
if !topic.is_empty() {
references:- 5466: let ss = cm.span_to_str(ei.call_site);
467: try!(print_diagnostic(w, ss.as_slice(), Note, "expansion site"));
468: try!(print_macro_backtrace(w, cm, ei.call_site));
libsyntax/diagnostic.rs:311:1-311:1 -fn- definition:
fn emit(dst: &mut EmitterWriter, cm: &codemap::CodeMap, rsp: RenderSpan,
msg: &str, lvl: Level, custom: bool) -> io::IoResult<()> {
let sp = rsp.span();
references:- 2304: sp: RenderSpan, msg: &str, lvl: Level) {
305: match emit(self, cm, sp, msg, lvl, true) {
306: Ok(()) => {}
libsyntax/diagnostic.rs:111:42-111:42 -struct- definition:
// others log errors for later reporting.
pub struct Handler {
err_count: Cell<uint>,
references:- 7179: pub fn default_handler() -> Handler {
180: mk_handler(box EmitterWriter::stderr())
183: pub fn mk_handler(e: Box<Emitter:Send>) -> Handler {
184: Handler {
185: err_count: Cell::new(0),
libsyntax/diagnostic.rs:449:1-449:1 -fn- definition:
fn print_macro_backtrace(w: &mut EmitterWriter,
cm: &codemap::CodeMap,
sp: Span)
references:- 2332: }
333: print_macro_backtrace(dst, cm, sp)
334: }
467: try!(print_diagnostic(w, ss.as_slice(), Note, "expansion site"));
468: try!(print_macro_backtrace(w, cm, ei.call_site));
469: }
libsyntax/diagnostic.rs:70:14-70:14 -struct- definition:
// reporting.
pub struct SpanHandler {
pub handler: Handler,
references:- 19172: pub fn mk_span_handler(handler: Handler, cm: codemap::CodeMap) -> SpanHandler {
173: SpanHandler {
174: handler: handler,
473: pub fn expect<T:Clone>(diag: &SpanHandler, opt: Option<T>, msg: || -> StrBuf)
474: -> T {
36: pub struct ParseSess {
37: pub span_diagnostic: SpanHandler, // better be the same as the one in the reader!
38: /// Used to determine and report recursive mod inclusions
49: pub fn new_parse_sess_special_handler(sh: SpanHandler) -> ParseSess {
50: ParseSess {
128: }
129: fn span_diag<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a SpanHandler { self.sp_diag }
130: fn peek(&self) -> TokenAndSpan {
365: pub fn gather_comments_and_literals(span_diagnostic:
366: &diagnostic::SpanHandler,
367: path: StrBuf,
97: pub fn print_crate<'a>(cm: &'a CodeMap,
98: span_diagnostic: &diagnostic::SpanHandler,
99: krate: &ast::Crate,
38: pub fn find_macro_registrar(diagnostic: &diagnostic::SpanHandler,
39: krate: &ast::Crate) -> Option<ast::NodeId> {
48: * should) be none. */
49: pub fn new_tt_reader<'a>(sp_diag: &'a SpanHandler,
50: interp: Option<HashMap<Ident, Rc<NamedMatch>>>,
378: pub fn require_unique_names(diagnostic: &SpanHandler, metas: &[@MetaItem]) {
379: let mut set = HashSet::new();
402: */
403: pub fn find_repr_attr(diagnostic: &SpanHandler, attr: @ast::MetaItem, acc: ReprAttr)
404: -> ReprAttr {
172: pub fn mk_span_handler(handler: Handler, cm: codemap::CodeMap) -> SpanHandler {
173: SpanHandler {
libsyntax/diagnostic.rs:26:19-26:19 -enum- definition:
pub enum RenderSpan {
/// A FullSpan renders with both with an initial line for the
/// message, prefixed by file:linenum, followed by a summary of
references:- 7312: fn emit(dst: &mut EmitterWriter, cm: &codemap::CodeMap, rsp: RenderSpan,
313: msg: &str, lvl: Level, custom: bool) -> io::IoResult<()> {
libsyntax/diagnostic.rs:221:1-221:1 -fn- definition:
fn print_maybe_styled(w: &mut EmitterWriter,
msg: &str,
color: term::attr::Attr) -> io::IoResult<()> {
references:- 4400: }
401: try!(print_maybe_styled(err, s.into_owned() + "\n",
402: term::attr::ForegroundColor(lvl.color())));
444: s.push_char('\n');
445: print_maybe_styled(w,
446: s.into_owned(),
libsyntax/diagnostic.rs:253:1-253:1 -enum- definition:
enum Destination {
references:- 2250: pub struct EmitterWriter {
251: dst: Destination,
252: }
278: impl Writer for Destination {
279: fn write(&mut self, bytes: &[u8]) -> io::IoResult<()> {