1 // Copyright 2013 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
2 // file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
3 // http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
4 //
5 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
6 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
7 // <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
8 // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
9 // except according to those terms.
11 use ast;
12 use parse::{new_parse_sess};
13 use parse::{ParseSess,string_to_filemap,filemap_to_tts};
14 use parse::{new_parser_from_source_str};
15 use parse::parser::Parser;
16 use parse::token;
18 // map a string to tts, using a made-up filename:
19 pub fn string_to_tts(source_str: StrBuf) -> Vec<ast::TokenTree> {
20 let ps = new_parse_sess();
21 filemap_to_tts(&ps,
22 string_to_filemap(&ps, source_str, "bogofile".to_strbuf()))
23 }
25 // map string to parser (via tts)
26 pub fn string_to_parser<'a>(ps: &'a ParseSess, source_str: StrBuf) -> Parser<'a> {
27 new_parser_from_source_str(ps,
28 Vec::new(),
29 "bogofile".to_strbuf(),
30 source_str)
31 }
33 fn with_error_checking_parse<T>(s: StrBuf, f: |&mut Parser| -> T) -> T {
34 let ps = new_parse_sess();
35 let mut p = string_to_parser(&ps, s);
36 let x = f(&mut p);
37 p.abort_if_errors();
38 x
39 }
41 // parse a string, return a crate.
42 pub fn string_to_crate (source_str : StrBuf) -> ast::Crate {
43 with_error_checking_parse(source_str, |p| {
44 p.parse_crate_mod()
45 })
46 }
48 // parse a string, return an expr
49 pub fn string_to_expr (source_str : StrBuf) -> @ast::Expr {
50 with_error_checking_parse(source_str, |p| {
51 p.parse_expr()
52 })
53 }
55 // parse a string, return an item
56 pub fn string_to_item (source_str : StrBuf) -> Option<@ast::Item> {
57 with_error_checking_parse(source_str, |p| {
58 p.parse_item(Vec::new())
59 })
60 }
62 // parse a string, return a stmt
63 pub fn string_to_stmt(source_str : StrBuf) -> @ast::Stmt {
64 with_error_checking_parse(source_str, |p| {
65 p.parse_stmt(Vec::new())
66 })
67 }
69 // parse a string, return a pat. Uses "irrefutable"... which doesn't
70 // (currently) affect parsing.
71 pub fn string_to_pat(source_str: StrBuf) -> @ast::Pat {
72 string_to_parser(&new_parse_sess(), source_str).parse_pat()
73 }
75 // convert a vector of strings to a vector of ast::Ident's
76 pub fn strs_to_idents(ids: Vec<&str> ) -> Vec<ast::Ident> {
77 ids.iter().map(|u| token::str_to_ident(*u)).collect()
78 }
80 // does the given string match the pattern? whitespace in the first string
81 // may be deleted or replaced with other whitespace to match the pattern.
82 // this function is unicode-ignorant; fortunately, the careful design of
83 // UTF-8 mitigates this ignorance. In particular, this function only collapses
84 // sequences of \n, \r, ' ', and \t, but it should otherwise tolerate unicode
85 // chars. Unsurprisingly, it doesn't do NKF-normalization(?).
86 pub fn matches_codepattern(a : &str, b : &str) -> bool {
87 let mut idx_a = 0;
88 let mut idx_b = 0;
89 loop {
90 if idx_a == a.len() && idx_b == b.len() {
91 return true;
92 }
93 else if idx_a == a.len() {return false;}
94 else if idx_b == b.len() {
95 // maybe the stuff left in a is all ws?
96 if is_whitespace(a.char_at(idx_a)) {
97 return scan_for_non_ws_or_end(a,idx_a) == a.len();
98 } else {
99 return false;
100 }
101 }
102 // ws in both given and pattern:
103 else if is_whitespace(a.char_at(idx_a))
104 && is_whitespace(b.char_at(idx_b)) {
105 idx_a = scan_for_non_ws_or_end(a,idx_a);
106 idx_b = scan_for_non_ws_or_end(b,idx_b);
107 }
108 // ws in given only:
109 else if is_whitespace(a.char_at(idx_a)) {
110 idx_a = scan_for_non_ws_or_end(a,idx_a);
111 }
112 // *don't* silently eat ws in expected only.
113 else if a.char_at(idx_a) == b.char_at(idx_b) {
114 idx_a += 1;
115 idx_b += 1;
116 }
117 else {
118 return false;
119 }
120 }
121 }
123 // given a string and an index, return the first uint >= idx
124 // that is a non-ws-char or is outside of the legal range of
125 // the string.
126 fn scan_for_non_ws_or_end(a : &str, idx: uint) -> uint {
127 let mut i = idx;
128 let len = a.len();
129 while (i < len) && (is_whitespace(a.char_at(i))) {
130 i += 1;
131 }
132 i
133 }
135 // copied from lexer.
136 pub fn is_whitespace(c: char) -> bool {
137 return c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\r' || c == '\n';
138 }
140 #[cfg(test)]
141 mod test {
142 use super::*;
144 #[test] fn eqmodws() {
145 assert_eq!(matches_codepattern("",""),true);
146 assert_eq!(matches_codepattern("","a"),false);
147 assert_eq!(matches_codepattern("a",""),false);
148 assert_eq!(matches_codepattern("a","a"),true);
149 assert_eq!(matches_codepattern("a b","a \n\t\r b"),true);
150 assert_eq!(matches_codepattern("a b ","a \n\t\r b"),true);
151 assert_eq!(matches_codepattern("a b","a \n\t\r b "),false);
152 assert_eq!(matches_codepattern("a b","a b"),true);
153 assert_eq!(matches_codepattern("ab","a b"),false);
154 assert_eq!(matches_codepattern("a b","ab"),true);
155 }
156 }