(index<- ) ./libstd/run.rs
1 // Copyright 2012-2013 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
2 // file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
3 // http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
4 //
5 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
6 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
7 // <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
8 // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
9 // except according to those terms.
11 //! Process spawning.
13 #[allow(missing_doc)];
15 use cell::Cell;
16 use comm::{stream, SharedChan};
17 use libc::{pid_t, c_int};
18 use libc;
19 use prelude::*;
20 use rt::io::native::process;
21 use rt::io;
22 use task;
24 /**
25 * A value representing a child process.
26 *
27 * The lifetime of this value is linked to the lifetime of the actual
28 * process - the Process destructor calls self.finish() which waits
29 * for the process to terminate.
30 */
31 pub struct Process {
32 priv inner: process::Process,
33 }
35 /// Options that can be given when starting a Process.
36 pub struct ProcessOptions<'self> {
38 /**
39 * If this is None then the new process will have the same initial
40 * environment as the parent process.
41 *
42 * If this is Some(vec-of-names-and-values) then the new process will
43 * have an environment containing the given named values only.
44 */
45 env: Option<~[(~str, ~str)]>,
47 /**
48 * If this is None then the new process will use the same initial working
49 * directory as the parent process.
50 *
51 * If this is Some(path) then the new process will use the given path
52 * for its initial working directory.
53 */
54 dir: Option<&'self Path>,
56 /**
57 * If this is None then a new pipe will be created for the new process's
58 * input and Process.input() will provide a Writer to write to this pipe.
59 *
60 * If this is Some(file-descriptor) then the new process will read its input
61 * from the given file descriptor, Process.input_redirected() will return
62 * true, and Process.input() will fail.
63 */
64 in_fd: Option<c_int>,
66 /**
67 * If this is None then a new pipe will be created for the new program's
68 * output and Process.output() will provide a Reader to read from this pipe.
69 *
70 * If this is Some(file-descriptor) then the new process will write its output
71 * to the given file descriptor, Process.output_redirected() will return
72 * true, and Process.output() will fail.
73 */
74 out_fd: Option<c_int>,
76 /**
77 * If this is None then a new pipe will be created for the new program's
78 * error stream and Process.error() will provide a Reader to read from this pipe.
79 *
80 * If this is Some(file-descriptor) then the new process will write its error output
81 * to the given file descriptor, Process.error_redirected() will return true, and
82 * and Process.error() will fail.
83 */
84 err_fd: Option<c_int>,
85 }
87 impl <'self> ProcessOptions<'self> {
88 /// Return a ProcessOptions that has None in every field.
89 pub fn new<'a>() -> ProcessOptions<'a> {
90 ProcessOptions {
91 env: None,
92 dir: None,
93 in_fd: None,
94 out_fd: None,
95 err_fd: None,
96 }
97 }
98 }
100 /// The output of a finished process.
101 pub struct ProcessOutput {
103 /// The status (exit code) of the process.
104 status: int,
106 /// The data that the process wrote to stdout.
107 output: ~[u8],
109 /// The data that the process wrote to stderr.
110 error: ~[u8],
111 }
113 impl Process {
114 /**
115 * Spawns a new Process.
116 *
117 * # Arguments
118 *
119 * * prog - The path to an executable.
120 * * args - Vector of arguments to pass to the child process.
121 * * options - Options to configure the environment of the process,
122 * the working directory and the standard IO streams.
123 */
124 pub fn new(prog: &str, args: &[~str], options: ProcessOptions) -> Process {
125 let ProcessOptions { env, dir, in_fd, out_fd, err_fd } = options;
126 let inner = process::Process::new(prog, args, env, dir,
127 in_fd, out_fd, err_fd);
128 Process { inner: inner }
129 }
131 /// Returns the unique id of the process
132 pub fn get_id(&self) -> pid_t { self.inner.id() }
134 /**
135 * Returns an io::Writer that can be used to write to this Process's stdin.
136 *
137 * Fails if there is no stdin available (it's already been removed by
138 * take_input)
139 */
140 pub fn input<'a>(&'a mut self) -> &'a mut io::Writer { self.inner.input() }
142 /**
143 * Returns an io::Reader that can be used to read from this Process's stdout.
144 *
145 * Fails if there is no stdout available (it's already been removed by
146 * take_output)
147 */
148 pub fn output<'a>(&'a mut self) -> &'a mut io::Reader { self.inner.output() }
150 /**
151 * Returns an io::Reader that can be used to read from this Process's stderr.
152 *
153 * Fails if there is no stderr available (it's already been removed by
154 * take_error)
155 */
156 pub fn error<'a>(&'a mut self) -> &'a mut io::Reader { self.inner.error() }
158 /**
159 * Closes the handle to the child process's stdin.
160 */
161 pub fn close_input(&mut self) {
162 self.inner.take_input();
163 }
165 fn close_outputs(&mut self) {
166 self.inner.take_output();
167 self.inner.take_error();
168 }
170 /**
171 * Closes the handle to stdin, waits for the child process to terminate,
172 * and returns the exit code.
173 *
174 * If the child has already been finished then the exit code is returned.
175 */
176 pub fn finish(&mut self) -> int { self.inner.wait() }
178 /**
179 * Closes the handle to stdin, waits for the child process to terminate, and
180 * reads and returns all remaining output of stdout and stderr, along with
181 * the exit code.
182 *
183 * If the child has already been finished then the exit code and any
184 * remaining unread output of stdout and stderr will be returned.
185 *
186 * This method will fail if the child process's stdout or stderr streams
187 * were redirected to existing file descriptors.
188 */
189 pub fn finish_with_output(&mut self) -> ProcessOutput {
190 self.inner.take_input(); // close stdin
191 let output = Cell::new(self.inner.take_output());
192 let error = Cell::new(self.inner.take_error());
194 fn read_everything(r: &mut io::Reader) -> ~[u8] {
195 let mut ret = ~[];
196 let mut buf = [0, ..1024];
197 loop {
198 match r.read(buf) {
199 Some(n) => { ret.push_all(buf.slice_to(n)); }
200 None => break
201 }
202 }
203 return ret;
204 }
206 // Spawn two entire schedulers to read both stdout and sterr
207 // in parallel so we don't deadlock while blocking on one
208 // or the other. FIXME (#2625): Surely there's a much more
209 // clever way to do this.
210 let (p, ch) = stream();
211 let ch = SharedChan::new(ch);
212 let ch_clone = ch.clone();
213 do task::spawn_sched(task::SingleThreaded) {
214 match error.take() {
215 Some(ref mut e) => ch.send((2, read_everything(*e))),
216 None => ch.send((2, ~[]))
217 }
218 }
219 do task::spawn_sched(task::SingleThreaded) {
220 match output.take() {
221 Some(ref mut e) => ch_clone.send((1, read_everything(*e))),
222 None => ch_clone.send((1, ~[]))
223 }
224 }
226 let status = self.finish();
228 let (errs, outs) = match (p.recv(), p.recv()) {
229 ((1, o), (2, e)) => (e, o),
230 ((2, e), (1, o)) => (e, o),
231 ((x, _), (y, _)) => {
232 fail2!("unexpected file numbers: {}, {}", x, y);
233 }
234 };
236 return ProcessOutput {status: status,
237 output: outs,
238 error: errs};
239 }
241 /**
242 * Terminates the process, giving it a chance to clean itself up if
243 * this is supported by the operating system.
244 *
245 * On Posix OSs SIGTERM will be sent to the process. On Win32
246 * TerminateProcess(..) will be called.
247 */
248 pub fn destroy(&mut self) {
249 self.inner.signal(io::process::PleaseExitSignal);
250 self.finish();
251 }
253 /**
254 * Terminates the process as soon as possible without giving it a
255 * chance to clean itself up.
256 *
257 * On Posix OSs SIGKILL will be sent to the process. On Win32
258 * TerminateProcess(..) will be called.
259 */
260 pub fn force_destroy(&mut self) {
261 self.inner.signal(io::process::MustDieSignal);
262 self.finish();
263 }
264 }
266 /**
267 * Spawns a process and waits for it to terminate. The process will
268 * inherit the current stdin/stdout/stderr file descriptors.
269 *
270 * # Arguments
271 *
272 * * prog - The path to an executable
273 * * args - Vector of arguments to pass to the child process
274 *
275 * # Return value
276 *
277 * The process's exit code
278 */
279 #[fixed_stack_segment] #[inline(never)]
280 pub fn process_status(prog: &str, args: &[~str]) -> int {
281 let mut prog = Process::new(prog, args, ProcessOptions {
282 env: None,
283 dir: None,
284 in_fd: Some(unsafe { libc::dup(libc::STDIN_FILENO) }),
285 out_fd: Some(unsafe { libc::dup(libc::STDOUT_FILENO) }),
286 err_fd: Some(unsafe { libc::dup(libc::STDERR_FILENO) })
287 });
288 prog.finish()
289 }
291 /**
292 * Spawns a process, records all its output, and waits for it to terminate.
293 *
294 * # Arguments
295 *
296 * * prog - The path to an executable
297 * * args - Vector of arguments to pass to the child process
298 *
299 * # Return value
300 *
301 * The process's stdout/stderr output and exit code.
302 */
303 pub fn process_output(prog: &str, args: &[~str]) -> ProcessOutput {
304 let mut prog = Process::new(prog, args, ProcessOptions::new());
305 prog.finish_with_output()
306 }
308 #[cfg(test)]
309 mod tests {
310 use libc::c_int;
311 use option::{Option, None, Some};
312 use os;
313 use path::Path;
314 use run;
315 use str;
316 use unstable::running_on_valgrind;
317 use rt::io::native::file;
318 use rt::io::{Writer, Reader};
320 #[test]
321 #[cfg(not(target_os="android"))]
322 fn test_process_status() {
323 assert_eq!(run::process_status("false", []), 1);
324 assert_eq!(run::process_status("true", []), 0);
325 }
326 #[test]
327 #[cfg(target_os="android")]
328 fn test_process_status() {
329 assert_eq!(run::process_status("/system/bin/sh", [~"-c",~"false"]), 1);
330 assert_eq!(run::process_status("/system/bin/sh", [~"-c",~"true"]), 0);
331 }
333 #[test]
334 #[cfg(not(target_os="android"))]
335 fn test_process_output_output() {
337 let run::ProcessOutput {status, output, error}
338 = run::process_output("echo", [~"hello"]);
339 let output_str = str::from_utf8(output);
341 assert_eq!(status, 0);
342 assert_eq!(output_str.trim().to_owned(), ~"hello");
343 // FIXME #7224
344 if !running_on_valgrind() {
345 assert_eq!(error, ~[]);
346 }
347 }
348 #[test]
349 #[cfg(target_os="android")]
350 fn test_process_output_output() {
352 let run::ProcessOutput {status, output, error}
353 = run::process_output("/system/bin/sh", [~"-c",~"echo hello"]);
354 let output_str = str::from_utf8(output);
356 assert_eq!(status, 0);
357 assert_eq!(output_str.trim().to_owned(), ~"hello");
358 // FIXME #7224
359 if !running_on_valgrind() {
360 assert_eq!(error, ~[]);
361 }
362 }
364 #[test]
365 #[cfg(not(target_os="android"))]
366 fn test_process_output_error() {
368 let run::ProcessOutput {status, output, error}
369 = run::process_output("mkdir", [~"."]);
371 assert_eq!(status, 1);
372 assert_eq!(output, ~[]);
373 assert!(!error.is_empty());
374 }
375 #[test]
376 #[cfg(target_os="android")]
377 fn test_process_output_error() {
379 let run::ProcessOutput {status, output, error}
380 = run::process_output("/system/bin/mkdir", [~"."]);
382 assert_eq!(status, 255);
383 assert_eq!(output, ~[]);
384 assert!(!error.is_empty());
385 }
387 #[test]
388 fn test_pipes() {
390 let pipe_in = os::pipe();
391 let pipe_out = os::pipe();
392 let pipe_err = os::pipe();
394 let mut proc = run::Process::new("cat", [], run::ProcessOptions {
395 dir: None,
396 env: None,
397 in_fd: Some(pipe_in.input),
398 out_fd: Some(pipe_out.out),
399 err_fd: Some(pipe_err.out)
400 });
402 os::close(pipe_in.input);
403 os::close(pipe_out.out);
404 os::close(pipe_err.out);
406 let expected = ~"test";
407 writeclose(pipe_in.out, expected);
408 let actual = readclose(pipe_out.input);
409 readclose(pipe_err.input);
410 proc.finish();
412 assert_eq!(expected, actual);
413 }
415 fn writeclose(fd: c_int, s: &str) {
416 let mut writer = file::FileDesc::new(fd);
417 writer.write(s.as_bytes());
418 }
420 fn readclose(fd: c_int) -> ~str {
421 let mut res = ~[];
422 let mut reader = file::FileDesc::new(fd);
423 let mut buf = [0, ..1024];
424 loop {
425 match reader.read(buf) {
426 Some(n) => { res.push_all(buf.slice_to(n)); }
427 None => break
428 }
429 }
430 str::from_utf8_owned(res)
431 }
433 #[test]
434 #[cfg(not(target_os="android"))]
435 fn test_finish_once() {
436 let mut prog = run::Process::new("false", [], run::ProcessOptions::new());
437 assert_eq!(prog.finish(), 1);
438 }
439 #[test]
440 #[cfg(target_os="android")]
441 fn test_finish_once() {
442 let mut prog = run::Process::new("/system/bin/sh", [~"-c",~"false"],
443 run::ProcessOptions::new());
444 assert_eq!(prog.finish(), 1);
445 }
447 #[test]
448 #[cfg(not(target_os="android"))]
449 fn test_finish_twice() {
450 let mut prog = run::Process::new("false", [], run::ProcessOptions::new());
451 assert_eq!(prog.finish(), 1);
452 assert_eq!(prog.finish(), 1);
453 }
454 #[test]
455 #[cfg(target_os="android")]
456 fn test_finish_twice() {
457 let mut prog = run::Process::new("/system/bin/sh", [~"-c",~"false"],
458 run::ProcessOptions::new());
459 assert_eq!(prog.finish(), 1);
460 assert_eq!(prog.finish(), 1);
461 }
463 #[test]
464 #[cfg(not(target_os="android"))]
465 fn test_finish_with_output_once() {
467 let mut prog = run::Process::new("echo", [~"hello"], run::ProcessOptions::new());
468 let run::ProcessOutput {status, output, error}
469 = prog.finish_with_output();
470 let output_str = str::from_utf8(output);
472 assert_eq!(status, 0);
473 assert_eq!(output_str.trim().to_owned(), ~"hello");
474 // FIXME #7224
475 if !running_on_valgrind() {
476 assert_eq!(error, ~[]);
477 }
478 }
479 #[test]
480 #[cfg(target_os="android")]
481 fn test_finish_with_output_once() {
483 let mut prog = run::Process::new("/system/bin/sh", [~"-c",~"echo hello"],
484 run::ProcessOptions::new());
485 let run::ProcessOutput {status, output, error}
486 = prog.finish_with_output();
487 let output_str = str::from_utf8(output);
489 assert_eq!(status, 0);
490 assert_eq!(output_str.trim().to_owned(), ~"hello");
491 // FIXME #7224
492 if !running_on_valgrind() {
493 assert_eq!(error, ~[]);
494 }
495 }
497 #[test]
498 #[cfg(not(target_os="android"))]
499 fn test_finish_with_output_twice() {
501 let mut prog = run::Process::new("echo", [~"hello"], run::ProcessOptions::new());
502 let run::ProcessOutput {status, output, error}
503 = prog.finish_with_output();
505 let output_str = str::from_utf8(output);
507 assert_eq!(status, 0);
508 assert_eq!(output_str.trim().to_owned(), ~"hello");
509 // FIXME #7224
510 if !running_on_valgrind() {
511 assert_eq!(error, ~[]);
512 }
514 let run::ProcessOutput {status, output, error}
515 = prog.finish_with_output();
517 assert_eq!(status, 0);
518 assert_eq!(output, ~[]);
519 // FIXME #7224
520 if !running_on_valgrind() {
521 assert_eq!(error, ~[]);
522 }
523 }
524 #[test]
525 #[cfg(target_os="android")]
526 fn test_finish_with_output_twice() {
528 let mut prog = run::Process::new("/system/bin/sh", [~"-c",~"echo hello"],
529 run::ProcessOptions::new());
530 let run::ProcessOutput {status, output, error}
531 = prog.finish_with_output();
533 let output_str = str::from_utf8(output);
535 assert_eq!(status, 0);
536 assert_eq!(output_str.trim().to_owned(), ~"hello");
537 // FIXME #7224
538 if !running_on_valgrind() {
539 assert_eq!(error, ~[]);
540 }
542 let run::ProcessOutput {status, output, error}
543 = prog.finish_with_output();
545 assert_eq!(status, 0);
546 assert_eq!(output, ~[]);
547 // FIXME #7224
548 if !running_on_valgrind() {
549 assert_eq!(error, ~[]);
550 }
551 }
553 #[cfg(unix,not(target_os="android"))]
554 fn run_pwd(dir: Option<&Path>) -> run::Process {
555 run::Process::new("pwd", [], run::ProcessOptions {
556 dir: dir,
557 .. run::ProcessOptions::new()
558 })
559 }
560 #[cfg(unix,target_os="android")]
561 fn run_pwd(dir: Option<&Path>) -> run::Process {
562 run::Process::new("/system/bin/sh", [~"-c",~"pwd"], run::ProcessOptions {
563 dir: dir,
564 .. run::ProcessOptions::new()
565 })
566 }
568 #[cfg(windows)]
569 fn run_pwd(dir: Option<&Path>) -> run::Process {
570 run::Process::new("cmd", [~"/c", ~"cd"], run::ProcessOptions {
571 dir: dir,
572 .. run::ProcessOptions::new()
573 })
574 }
576 #[test]
577 fn test_keep_current_working_dir() {
578 let mut prog = run_pwd(None);
580 let output = str::from_utf8(prog.finish_with_output().output);
581 let parent_dir = os::getcwd();
582 let child_dir = Path::new(output.trim());
584 let parent_stat = parent_dir.stat().unwrap();
585 let child_stat = child_dir.stat().unwrap();
587 assert_eq!(parent_stat.st_dev, child_stat.st_dev);
588 assert_eq!(parent_stat.st_ino, child_stat.st_ino);
589 }
591 #[test]
592 fn test_change_working_directory() {
593 // test changing to the parent of os::getcwd() because we know
594 // the path exists (and os::getcwd() is not expected to be root)
595 let parent_dir = os::getcwd().dir_path();
596 let mut prog = run_pwd(Some(&parent_dir));
598 let output = str::from_utf8(prog.finish_with_output().output);
599 let child_dir = Path::new(output.trim());
601 let parent_stat = parent_dir.stat().unwrap();
602 let child_stat = child_dir.stat().unwrap();
604 assert_eq!(parent_stat.st_dev, child_stat.st_dev);
605 assert_eq!(parent_stat.st_ino, child_stat.st_ino);
606 }
608 #[cfg(unix,not(target_os="android"))]
609 fn run_env(env: Option<~[(~str, ~str)]>) -> run::Process {
610 run::Process::new("env", [], run::ProcessOptions {
611 env: env,
612 .. run::ProcessOptions::new()
613 })
614 }
615 #[cfg(unix,target_os="android")]
616 fn run_env(env: Option<~[(~str, ~str)]>) -> run::Process {
617 run::Process::new("/system/bin/sh", [~"-c",~"set"], run::ProcessOptions {
618 env: env,
619 .. run::ProcessOptions::new()
620 })
621 }
623 #[cfg(windows)]
624 fn run_env(env: Option<~[(~str, ~str)]>) -> run::Process {
625 run::Process::new("cmd", [~"/c", ~"set"], run::ProcessOptions {
626 env: env,
627 .. run::ProcessOptions::new()
628 })
629 }
631 #[test]
632 #[cfg(not(target_os="android"))]
633 fn test_inherit_env() {
634 if running_on_valgrind() { return; }
636 let mut prog = run_env(None);
637 let output = str::from_utf8(prog.finish_with_output().output);
639 let r = os::env();
640 for &(ref k, ref v) in r.iter() {
641 // don't check windows magical empty-named variables
642 assert!(k.is_empty() || output.contains(format!("{}={}", *k, *v)));
643 }
644 }
645 #[test]
646 #[cfg(target_os="android")]
647 fn test_inherit_env() {
648 if running_on_valgrind() { return; }
650 let mut prog = run_env(None);
651 let output = str::from_utf8(prog.finish_with_output().output);
653 let r = os::env();
654 for &(ref k, ref v) in r.iter() {
655 // don't check android RANDOM variables
656 if *k != ~"RANDOM" {
657 assert!(output.contains(format!("{}={}", *k, *v)) ||
658 output.contains(format!("{}=\'{}\'", *k, *v)));
659 }
660 }
661 }
663 #[test]
664 fn test_add_to_env() {
666 let mut new_env = os::env();
667 new_env.push((~"RUN_TEST_NEW_ENV", ~"123"));
669 let mut prog = run_env(Some(new_env));
670 let output = str::from_utf8(prog.finish_with_output().output);
672 assert!(output.contains("RUN_TEST_NEW_ENV=123"));
673 }
674 }
libstd/run.rs:100:38-100:38 -struct- definition:
/// The output of a finished process.
pub struct ProcessOutput {
references:-303: pub fn process_output(prog: &str, args: &[~str]) -> ProcessOutput {
189: pub fn finish_with_output(&mut self) -> ProcessOutput {
236: return ProcessOutput {status: status,
libstd/run.rs:35:55-35:55 -struct- definition:
/// Options that can be given when starting a Process.
pub struct ProcessOptions<'self> {
references:-281: let mut prog = Process::new(prog, args, ProcessOptions {
125: let ProcessOptions { env, dir, in_fd, out_fd, err_fd } = options;
87: impl <'self> ProcessOptions<'self> {
124: pub fn new(prog: &str, args: &[~str], options: ProcessOptions) -> Process {
89: pub fn new<'a>() -> ProcessOptions<'a> {
90: ProcessOptions {
libstd/run.rs:194:8-194:8 -fn- definition:
fn read_everything(r: &mut io::Reader) -> ~[u8] {
let mut ret = ~[];
references:-215: Some(ref mut e) => ch.send((2, read_everything(*e))),
221: Some(ref mut e) => ch_clone.send((1, read_everything(*e))),
libstd/run.rs:30:4-30:4 -struct- definition:
pub struct Process {
references:-124: pub fn new(prog: &str, args: &[~str], options: ProcessOptions) -> Process {
128: Process { inner: inner }
113: impl Process {