1 // Copyright 2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
2 // file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
3 // http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
4 //
5 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
6 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
7 // <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
8 // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
9 // except according to those terms.
11 use collections::HashSet;
12 use std::{str, io};
13 use std::strbuf::StrBuf;
15 use getopts;
16 use testing;
18 use html::escape::Escape;
19 use html::markdown::{MarkdownWithToc, find_testable_code, reset_headers};
20 use test::Collector;
22 fn load_string(input: &Path) -> io::IoResult<Option<~str>> {
23 let mut f = try!(io::File::open(input));
24 let d = try!(f.read_to_end());
25 Ok(str::from_utf8(d.as_slice()).map(|s| s.to_owned()))
26 }
27 macro_rules! load_or_return {
28 ($input: expr, $cant_read: expr, $not_utf8: expr) => {
29 {
30 let input = Path::new($input);
31 match load_string(&input) {
32 Err(e) => {
33 let _ = writeln!(&mut io::stderr(),
34 "error reading `{}`: {}", input.display(), e);
35 return $cant_read;
36 }
37 Ok(None) => {
38 let _ = writeln!(&mut io::stderr(),
39 "error reading `{}`: not UTF-8", input.display());
40 return $not_utf8;
41 }
42 Ok(Some(s)) => s
43 }
44 }
45 }
46 }
48 /// Separate any lines at the start of the file that begin with `%`.
49 fn extract_leading_metadata<'a>(s: &'a str) -> (Vec<&'a str>, &'a str) {
50 let mut metadata = Vec::new();
51 for line in s.lines() {
52 if line.starts_with("%") {
53 // remove %<whitespace>
54 metadata.push(line.slice_from(1).trim_left())
55 } else {
56 let line_start_byte = s.subslice_offset(line);
57 return (metadata, s.slice_from(line_start_byte));
58 }
59 }
60 // if we're here, then all lines were metadata % lines.
61 (metadata, "")
62 }
64 fn load_external_files(names: &[~str]) -> Option<~str> {
65 let mut out = StrBuf::new();
66 for name in names.iter() {
67 out.push_str(load_or_return!(name.as_slice(), None, None));
68 out.push_char('\n');
69 }
70 Some(out.into_owned())
71 }
73 /// Render `input` (e.g. "foo.md") into an HTML file in `output`
74 /// (e.g. output = "bar" => "bar/foo.html").
75 pub fn render(input: &str, mut output: Path, matches: &getopts::Matches) -> int {
76 let input_p = Path::new(input);
77 output.push(input_p.filestem().unwrap());
78 output.set_extension("html");
80 let mut css = StrBuf::new();
81 for name in matches.opt_strs("markdown-css").iter() {
82 let s = format!("<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"{}\">\n", name);
83 css.push_str(s)
84 }
86 let input_str = load_or_return!(input, 1, 2);
88 let (in_header, before_content, after_content) =
89 match (load_external_files(matches.opt_strs("markdown-in-header")
90 .as_slice()),
91 load_external_files(matches.opt_strs("markdown-before-content")
92 .as_slice()),
93 load_external_files(matches.opt_strs("markdown-after-content")
94 .as_slice())) {
95 (Some(a), Some(b), Some(c)) => (a,b,c),
96 _ => return 3
97 };
99 let mut out = match io::File::create(&output) {
100 Err(e) => {
101 let _ = writeln!(&mut io::stderr(),
102 "error opening `{}` for writing: {}",
103 output.display(), e);
104 return 4;
105 }
106 Ok(f) => f
107 };
109 let (metadata, text) = extract_leading_metadata(input_str);
110 if metadata.len() == 0 {
111 let _ = writeln!(&mut io::stderr(),
112 "invalid markdown file: expecting initial line with `% ...TITLE...`");
113 return 5;
114 }
115 let title = metadata.get(0).as_slice();
117 reset_headers();
119 let err = write!(
120 &mut out,
121 r#"<!DOCTYPE html>
122 <html lang="en">
123 <head>
124 <meta charset="utf-8">
125 <meta name="generator" content="rustdoc">
126 <title>{title}</title>
128 {css}
129 {in_header}
130 </head>
131 <body>
132 <!--[if lte IE 8]>
133 <div class="warning">
134 This old browser is unsupported and will most likely display funky
135 things.
136 </div>
137 <![endif]-->
139 {before_content}
140 <h1 class="title">{title}</h1>
141 {text}
142 {after_content}
143 </body>
144 </html>"#,
145 title = Escape(title),
146 css = css,
147 in_header = in_header,
148 before_content = before_content,
149 text = MarkdownWithToc(text),
150 after_content = after_content);
152 match err {
153 Err(e) => {
154 let _ = writeln!(&mut io::stderr(),
155 "error writing to `{}`: {}",
156 output.display(), e);
157 6
158 }
159 Ok(_) => 0
160 }
161 }
163 /// Run any tests/code examples in the markdown file `input`.
164 pub fn test(input: &str, libs: HashSet<Path>, mut test_args: Vec<~str>) -> int {
165 let input_str = load_or_return!(input, 1, 2);
167 let mut collector = Collector::new(input.to_owned(), libs, true, true);
168 find_testable_code(input_str, &mut collector);
169 test_args.unshift("rustdoctest".to_owned());
170 testing::test_main(test_args.as_slice(), collector.tests);
171 0
172 }