1 // Copyright 2012 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
2 // file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
3 // http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
4 //
5 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
6 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
7 // <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
8 // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
9 // except according to those terms.
12 use middle::ty::{BuiltinBounds};
13 use middle::ty::RegionVid;
14 use middle::ty;
15 use middle::typeck::infer::then;
16 use middle::typeck::infer::combine::*;
17 use middle::typeck::infer::lattice::*;
18 use middle::typeck::infer::lub::Lub;
19 use middle::typeck::infer::sub::Sub;
20 use middle::typeck::infer::to_str::InferStr;
21 use middle::typeck::infer::{cres, InferCtxt};
22 use middle::typeck::infer::{TypeTrace, Subtype};
23 use middle::typeck::infer::fold_regions_in_sig;
24 use syntax::ast::{Many, Once, MutImmutable, MutMutable};
25 use syntax::ast::{NormalFn, UnsafeFn, NodeId};
26 use syntax::ast::{Onceness, FnStyle};
27 use collections::HashMap;
28 use util::common::{indenter};
29 use util::ppaux::mt_to_str;
31 pub struct Glb<'f>(pub CombineFields<'f>); // "greatest lower bound" (common subtype)
33 impl<'f> Glb<'f> {
34 pub fn get_ref<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a CombineFields<'f> { let Glb(ref v) = *self; v }
35 }
37 impl<'f> Combine for Glb<'f> {
38 fn infcx<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a InferCtxt<'a> { self.get_ref().infcx }
39 fn tag(&self) -> ~str { "glb".to_owned() }
40 fn a_is_expected(&self) -> bool { self.get_ref().a_is_expected }
41 fn trace(&self) -> TypeTrace { self.get_ref().trace.clone() }
43 fn sub<'a>(&'a self) -> Sub<'a> { Sub(self.get_ref().clone()) }
44 fn lub<'a>(&'a self) -> Lub<'a> { Lub(self.get_ref().clone()) }
45 fn glb<'a>(&'a self) -> Glb<'a> { Glb(self.get_ref().clone()) }
47 fn mts(&self, a: &ty::mt, b: &ty::mt) -> cres<ty::mt> {
48 let tcx = self.get_ref().infcx.tcx;
50 debug!("{}.mts({}, {})",
51 self.tag(),
52 mt_to_str(tcx, a),
53 mt_to_str(tcx, b));
55 match (a.mutbl, b.mutbl) {
56 // If one side or both is mut, then the GLB must use
57 // the precise type from the mut side.
58 (MutMutable, MutMutable) => {
59 eq_tys(self, a.ty, b.ty).then(|| {
60 Ok(ty::mt {ty: a.ty, mutbl: MutMutable})
61 })
62 }
64 // If one side or both is immutable, we can use the GLB of
65 // both sides but mutbl must be `MutImmutable`.
66 (MutImmutable, MutImmutable) => {
67 self.tys(a.ty, b.ty).and_then(|t| {
68 Ok(ty::mt {ty: t, mutbl: MutImmutable})
69 })
70 }
72 // There is no mutual subtype of these combinations.
73 (MutMutable, MutImmutable) |
74 (MutImmutable, MutMutable) => {
75 Err(ty::terr_mutability)
76 }
77 }
78 }
80 fn contratys(&self, a: ty::t, b: ty::t) -> cres<ty::t> {
81 self.lub().tys(a, b)
82 }
84 fn fn_styles(&self, a: FnStyle, b: FnStyle) -> cres<FnStyle> {
85 match (a, b) {
86 (NormalFn, _) | (_, NormalFn) => Ok(NormalFn),
87 (UnsafeFn, UnsafeFn) => Ok(UnsafeFn)
88 }
89 }
91 fn oncenesses(&self, a: Onceness, b: Onceness) -> cres<Onceness> {
92 match (a, b) {
93 (Many, _) | (_, Many) => Ok(Many),
94 (Once, Once) => Ok(Once)
95 }
96 }
98 fn bounds(&self, a: BuiltinBounds, b: BuiltinBounds) -> cres<BuiltinBounds> {
99 // More bounds is a subtype of fewer bounds, so
100 // the GLB (mutual subtype) is the union.
101 Ok(a.union(b))
102 }
104 fn regions(&self, a: ty::Region, b: ty::Region) -> cres<ty::Region> {
105 debug!("{}.regions({:?}, {:?})",
106 self.tag(),
107 a.inf_str(self.get_ref().infcx),
108 b.inf_str(self.get_ref().infcx));
110 Ok(self.get_ref().infcx.region_vars.glb_regions(Subtype(self.trace()), a, b))
111 }
113 fn contraregions(&self, a: ty::Region, b: ty::Region)
114 -> cres<ty::Region> {
115 self.lub().regions(a, b)
116 }
118 fn tys(&self, a: ty::t, b: ty::t) -> cres<ty::t> {
119 super_lattice_tys(self, a, b)
120 }
122 fn fn_sigs(&self, a: &ty::FnSig, b: &ty::FnSig) -> cres<ty::FnSig> {
123 // Note: this is a subtle algorithm. For a full explanation,
124 // please see the large comment in `region_inference.rs`.
126 debug!("{}.fn_sigs({:?}, {:?})",
127 self.tag(), a.inf_str(self.get_ref().infcx), b.inf_str(self.get_ref().infcx));
128 let _indenter = indenter();
130 // Take a snapshot. We'll never roll this back, but in later
131 // phases we do want to be able to examine "all bindings that
132 // were created as part of this type comparison", and making a
133 // snapshot is a convenient way to do that.
134 let snapshot = self.get_ref().infcx.region_vars.start_snapshot();
136 // Instantiate each bound region with a fresh region variable.
137 let (a_with_fresh, a_map) =
138 self.get_ref().infcx.replace_late_bound_regions_with_fresh_regions(
139 self.trace(), a);
140 let a_vars = var_ids(self, &a_map);
141 let (b_with_fresh, b_map) =
142 self.get_ref().infcx.replace_late_bound_regions_with_fresh_regions(
143 self.trace(), b);
144 let b_vars = var_ids(self, &b_map);
146 // Collect constraints.
147 let sig0 = if_ok!(super_fn_sigs(self, &a_with_fresh, &b_with_fresh));
148 debug!("sig0 = {}", sig0.inf_str(self.get_ref().infcx));
150 // Generalize the regions appearing in fn_ty0 if possible
151 let new_vars =
152 self.get_ref().infcx.region_vars.vars_created_since_snapshot(snapshot);
153 let sig1 =
154 fold_regions_in_sig(
155 self.get_ref().infcx.tcx,
156 &sig0,
157 |r| {
158 generalize_region(self,
159 snapshot,
160 new_vars.as_slice(),
161 sig0.binder_id,
162 &a_map,
163 a_vars.as_slice(),
164 b_vars.as_slice(),
165 r)
166 });
167 debug!("sig1 = {}", sig1.inf_str(self.get_ref().infcx));
168 return Ok(sig1);
170 fn generalize_region(this: &Glb,
171 snapshot: uint,
172 new_vars: &[RegionVid],
173 new_binder_id: NodeId,
174 a_map: &HashMap<ty::BoundRegion, ty::Region>,
175 a_vars: &[RegionVid],
176 b_vars: &[RegionVid],
177 r0: ty::Region) -> ty::Region {
178 if !is_var_in_set(new_vars, r0) {
179 assert!(!r0.is_bound());
180 return r0;
181 }
183 let tainted = this.get_ref().infcx.region_vars.tainted(snapshot, r0);
185 let mut a_r = None;
186 let mut b_r = None;
187 let mut only_new_vars = true;
188 for r in tainted.iter() {
189 if is_var_in_set(a_vars, *r) {
190 if a_r.is_some() {
191 return fresh_bound_variable(this, new_binder_id);
192 } else {
193 a_r = Some(*r);
194 }
195 } else if is_var_in_set(b_vars, *r) {
196 if b_r.is_some() {
197 return fresh_bound_variable(this, new_binder_id);
198 } else {
199 b_r = Some(*r);
200 }
201 } else if !is_var_in_set(new_vars, *r) {
202 only_new_vars = false;
203 }
204 }
206 // NB---I do not believe this algorithm computes
207 // (necessarily) the GLB. As written it can
208 // spuriously fail. In particular, if there is a case
209 // like: |fn(&a)| and fn(fn(&b)), where a and b are
210 // free, it will return fn(&c) where c = GLB(a,b). If
211 // however this GLB is not defined, then the result is
212 // an error, even though something like
213 // "fn<X>(fn(&X))" where X is bound would be a
214 // subtype of both of those.
215 //
216 // The problem is that if we were to return a bound
217 // variable, we'd be computing a lower-bound, but not
218 // necessarily the *greatest* lower-bound.
219 //
220 // Unfortunately, this problem is non-trivial to solve,
221 // because we do not know at the time of computing the GLB
222 // whether a GLB(a,b) exists or not, because we haven't
223 // run region inference (or indeed, even fully computed
224 // the region hierarchy!). The current algorithm seems to
225 // works ok in practice.
227 if a_r.is_some() && b_r.is_some() && only_new_vars {
228 // Related to exactly one bound variable from each fn:
229 return rev_lookup(this, a_map, new_binder_id, a_r.unwrap());
230 } else if a_r.is_none() && b_r.is_none() {
231 // Not related to bound variables from either fn:
232 assert!(!r0.is_bound());
233 return r0;
234 } else {
235 // Other:
236 return fresh_bound_variable(this, new_binder_id);
237 }
238 }
240 fn rev_lookup(this: &Glb,
241 a_map: &HashMap<ty::BoundRegion, ty::Region>,
242 new_binder_id: NodeId,
243 r: ty::Region) -> ty::Region
244 {
245 for (a_br, a_r) in a_map.iter() {
246 if *a_r == r {
247 return ty::ReLateBound(new_binder_id, *a_br);
248 }
249 }
250 this.get_ref().infcx.tcx.sess.span_bug(
251 this.get_ref().trace.origin.span(),
252 format!("could not find original bound region for {:?}", r))
253 }
255 fn fresh_bound_variable(this: &Glb, binder_id: NodeId) -> ty::Region {
256 this.get_ref().infcx.region_vars.new_bound(binder_id)
257 }
258 }
259 }