(index<- )        ./librustc/middle/typeck/check/vtable.rs

    git branch:    * master           5200215 auto merge of #14035 : alexcrichton/rust/experimental, r=huonw
    modified:    Fri May  9 13:02:28 2014
   1  // Copyright 2012-2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
   2  // file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
   3  // http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
   4  //
   5  // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
   6  // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
   7  // <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
   8  // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
   9  // except according to those terms.
  12  use middle::ty;
  13  use middle::ty::{AutoAddEnv, AutoDerefRef, AutoObject, param_ty};
  14  use middle::ty_fold::TypeFolder;
  15  use middle::typeck::astconv::AstConv;
  16  use middle::typeck::check::{FnCtxt, impl_self_ty};
  17  use middle::typeck::check::{structurally_resolved_type};
  18  use middle::typeck::infer::fixup_err_to_str;
  19  use middle::typeck::infer::{resolve_and_force_all_but_regions, resolve_type};
  20  use middle::typeck::infer;
  21  use middle::typeck::{vtable_origin, vtable_res, vtable_param_res};
  22  use middle::typeck::{vtable_static, vtable_param, impl_res};
  23  use middle::typeck::{param_numbered, param_self, param_index};
  24  use middle::typeck::MethodCall;
  25  use middle::subst::Subst;
  26  use util::common::indenter;
  27  use util::ppaux;
  28  use util::ppaux::Repr;
  30  use std::rc::Rc;
  31  use collections::HashSet;
  32  use syntax::ast;
  33  use syntax::ast_util;
  34  use syntax::codemap::Span;
  35  use syntax::print::pprust::expr_to_str;
  36  use syntax::visit;
  37  use syntax::visit::Visitor;
  39  // vtable resolution looks for places where trait bounds are
  40  // substituted in and figures out which vtable is used. There is some
  41  // extra complication thrown in to support early "opportunistic"
  42  // vtable resolution. This is a hacky mechanism that is invoked while
  43  // typechecking function calls (after typechecking non-closure
  44  // arguments and before typechecking closure arguments) in the hope of
  45  // solving for the trait parameters from the impl. (For example,
  46  // determining that if a parameter bounded by BaseIter<A> is
  47  // instantiated with Option<int>, that A = int.)
  48  //
  49  // In early resolution mode, no vtables are recorded, and a number of
  50  // errors are ignored. Early resolution only works if a type is
  51  // *fully* resolved. (We could be less restrictive than that, but it
  52  // would require much more care, and this seems to work decently in
  53  // practice.)
  54  //
  55  // While resolution on a single type requires the type to be fully
  56  // resolved, when resolving a substitution against a list of bounds,
  57  // we do not require all of the types to be resolved in advance.
  58  // Furthermore, we process substitutions in reverse order, which
  59  // allows resolution on later parameters to give information on
  60  // earlier params referenced by the typeclass bounds.
  61  // It may be better to do something more clever, like processing fully
  62  // resolved types first.
  64  /// A vtable context includes an inference context, a crate context, and a
  65  /// callback function to call in case of type error.
  66  pub struct VtableContext<'a> {
  67      pub infcx: &'a infer::InferCtxt<'a>,
  68      pub param_env: &'a ty::ParameterEnvironment,
  69  }
  71  impl<'a> VtableContext<'a> {
  72      pub fn tcx(&self) -> &'a ty::ctxt { self.infcx.tcx }
  73  }
  75  fn has_trait_bounds(type_param_defs: &[ty::TypeParameterDef]) -> bool {
  76      type_param_defs.iter().any(
  77          |type_param_def| !type_param_def.bounds.trait_bounds.is_empty())
  78  }
  80  fn lookup_vtables(vcx: &VtableContext,
  81                    spanSpan,
  82                    type_param_defs: &[ty::TypeParameterDef],
  83                    substs: &ty::substs,
  84                    is_early: bool) -> vtable_res {
  85      debug!("lookup_vtables(span={:?}, \
  86              type_param_defs={}, \
  87              substs={}",
  88             span,
  89             type_param_defs.repr(vcx.tcx()),
  90             substs.repr(vcx.tcx()));
  92      // We do this backwards for reasons discussed above.
  93      assert_eq!(substs.tps.len(), type_param_defs.len());
  94      let mut resultVec<vtable_param_res> =
  95          substs.tps.iter()
  96          .rev()
  97          .zip(type_param_defs.iter().rev())
  98          .map(|(ty, def)|
  99              lookup_vtables_for_param(vcx, span, Some(substs),
 100                                       &*def.bounds, *ty, is_early))
 101          .collect();
 102      result.reverse();
 104      assert_eq!(substs.tps.len(), result.len());
 105      debug!("lookup_vtables result(\
 106              span={:?}, \
 107              type_param_defs={}, \
 108              substs={}, \
 109              result={})",
 110             span,
 111             type_param_defs.repr(vcx.tcx()),
 112             substs.repr(vcx.tcx()),
 113             result.repr(vcx.tcx()));
 114      result
 115  }
 117  fn lookup_vtables_for_param(vcx: &VtableContext,
 118                              spanSpan,
 119                              // None for substs means the identity
 120                              substsOption<&ty::substs>,
 121                              type_param_bounds: &ty::ParamBounds,
 122                              tyty::t,
 123                              is_early: bool) -> vtable_param_res {
 124      let tcx = vcx.tcx();
 126      // ty is the value supplied for the type parameter A...
 127      let mut param_result = Vec::new();
 129      ty::each_bound_trait_and_supertraits(tcx,
 130                                           type_param_bounds.trait_bounds
 131                                                            .as_slice(),
 132                                           |trait_ref| {
 133          // ...and here trait_ref is each bound that was declared on A,
 134          // expressed in terms of the type parameters.
 136          ty::populate_implementations_for_trait_if_necessary(tcx,
 137                                                              trait_ref.def_id);
 139          // Substitute the values of the type parameters that may
 140          // appear in the bound.
 141          let trait_ref = substs.as_ref().map_or(trait_ref.clone(), |substs| {
 142              debug!("about to subst: {}, {}",
 143                     trait_ref.repr(tcx), substs.repr(tcx));
 144              trait_ref.subst(tcx, *substs)
 145          });
 147          debug!("after subst: {}", trait_ref.repr(tcx));
 149          match lookup_vtable(vcx, span, ty, trait_ref.clone(), is_early) {
 150              Some(vtable) => param_result.push(vtable),
 151              None => {
 152                  vcx.tcx().sess.span_fatal(span,
 153                      format!("failed to find an implementation of \
 154                            trait {} for {}",
 155                           vcx.infcx.trait_ref_to_str(&*trait_ref),
 156                           vcx.infcx.ty_to_str(ty)));
 157              }
 158          }
 159          true
 160      });
 162      debug!("lookup_vtables_for_param result(\
 163              span={:?}, \
 164              type_param_bounds={}, \
 165              ty={}, \
 166              result={})",
 167             span,
 168             type_param_bounds.repr(vcx.tcx()),
 169             ty.repr(vcx.tcx()),
 170             param_result.repr(vcx.tcx()));
 172      param_result
 173  }
 175  fn relate_trait_refs(vcx: &VtableContext,
 176                       spanSpan,
 177                       act_trait_refRc<ty::TraitRef>,
 178                       exp_trait_refRc<ty::TraitRef>) {
 179      /*!
 180       *
 181       * Checks that an implementation of `act_trait_ref` is suitable
 182       * for use where `exp_trait_ref` is required and reports an
 183       * error otherwise.
 184       */
 186      match infer::mk_sub_trait_refs(vcx.infcx,
 187                                     false,
 188                                     infer::RelateTraitRefs(span),
 189                                     act_trait_ref.clone(),
 190                                     exp_trait_ref.clone()) {
 191          Ok(()) => {} // Ok.
 192          Err(ref err) => {
 193              // There is an error, but we need to do some work to make
 194              // the message good.
 195              // Resolve any type vars in the trait refs
 196              let r_act_trait_ref =
 197                  vcx.infcx.resolve_type_vars_in_trait_ref_if_possible(&*act_trait_ref);
 198              let r_exp_trait_ref =
 199                  vcx.infcx.resolve_type_vars_in_trait_ref_if_possible(&*exp_trait_ref);
 200              // Only print the message if there aren't any previous type errors
 201              // inside the types.
 202              if !ty::trait_ref_contains_error(&r_act_trait_ref) &&
 203                  !ty::trait_ref_contains_error(&r_exp_trait_ref)
 204              {
 205                  let tcx = vcx.tcx();
 206                  tcx.sess.span_err(span,
 207                      format!("expected {}, but found {} ({})",
 208                           ppaux::trait_ref_to_str(tcx, &r_exp_trait_ref),
 209                           ppaux::trait_ref_to_str(tcx, &r_act_trait_ref),
 210                           ty::type_err_to_str(tcx, err)));
 211              }
 212          }
 213      }
 214  }
 216  // Look up the vtable implementing the trait `trait_ref` at type `t`
 217  fn lookup_vtable(vcx: &VtableContext,
 218                   spanSpan,
 219                   tyty::t,
 220                   trait_refRc<ty::TraitRef>,
 221                   is_early: bool)
 222                   -> Option<vtable_origin> {
 223      debug!("lookup_vtable(ty={}, trait_ref={})",
 224             vcx.infcx.ty_to_str(ty),
 225             vcx.infcx.trait_ref_to_str(&*trait_ref));
 226      let _i = indenter();
 228      let ty = match fixup_ty(vcx, span, ty, is_early) {
 229          Some(ty) => ty,
 230          None => {
 231              // fixup_ty can only fail if this is early resolution
 232              assert!(is_early);
 233              // The type has unconstrained type variables in it, so we can't
 234              // do early resolution on it. Return some completely bogus vtable
 235              // information: we aren't storing it anyways.
 236              return Some(vtable_param(param_self, 0));
 237          }
 238      };
 240      // If the type is self or a param, we look at the trait/supertrait
 241      // bounds to see if they include the trait we are looking for.
 242      let vtable_opt = match ty::get(ty).sty {
 243          ty::ty_param(param_ty {idx: n, ..}) => {
 244              let env_bounds = &vcx.param_env.type_param_bounds;
 245              if env_bounds.len() > n {
 246                  let type_param_bounds&[Rc<ty::TraitRef>] =
 247                      env_bounds.get(n).trait_bounds.as_slice();
 248                  lookup_vtable_from_bounds(vcx, span,
 249                                            type_param_bounds,
 250                                            param_numbered(n),
 251                                            trait_ref.clone())
 252              } else {
 253                  None
 254              }
 255          }
 257          ty::ty_self(_) => {
 258              let self_param_bound = vcx.param_env.self_param_bound.clone().unwrap();
 259              lookup_vtable_from_bounds(vcx, span,
 260                                        [self_param_bound],
 261                                        param_self,
 262                                        trait_ref.clone())
 263          }
 265          // Default case just falls through
 266          _ => None
 267      };
 269      if vtable_opt.is_some() { return vtable_opt; }
 271      // If we aren't a self type or param, or it was, but we didn't find it,
 272      // do a search.
 273      search_for_vtable(vcx, span, ty, trait_ref, is_early)
 274  }
 276  // Given a list of bounds on a type, search those bounds to see if any
 277  // of them are the vtable we are looking for.
 278  fn lookup_vtable_from_bounds(vcx: &VtableContext,
 279                               spanSpan,
 280                               bounds: &[Rc<ty::TraitRef>],
 281                               paramparam_index,
 282                               trait_refRc<ty::TraitRef>)
 283                               -> Option<vtable_origin> {
 284      let tcx = vcx.tcx();
 286      let mut n_bound = 0;
 287      let mut ret = None;
 288      ty::each_bound_trait_and_supertraits(tcx, bounds, |bound_trait_ref| {
 289          debug!("checking bounds trait {}",
 290                 bound_trait_ref.repr(vcx.tcx()));
 292          if bound_trait_ref.def_id == trait_ref.def_id {
 293              relate_trait_refs(vcx, span, bound_trait_ref, trait_ref.clone());
 294              let vtable = vtable_param(param, n_bound);
 295              debug!("found param vtable: {:?}",
 296                     vtable);
 297              ret = Some(vtable);
 298              false
 299          } else {
 300              n_bound += 1;
 301              true
 302          }
 303      });
 304      ret
 305  }
 307  fn search_for_vtable(vcx: &VtableContext,
 308                       spanSpan,
 309                       tyty::t,
 310                       trait_refRc<ty::TraitRef>,
 311                       is_early: bool)
 312                       -> Option<vtable_origin> {
 313      let tcx = vcx.tcx();
 315      let mut found = Vec::new();
 316      let mut impls_seen = HashSet::new();
 318      // Load the implementations from external metadata if necessary.
 319      ty::populate_implementations_for_trait_if_necessary(tcx,
 320                                                          trait_ref.def_id);
 322      let impls = match tcx.trait_impls.borrow().find_copy(&trait_ref.def_id) {
 323          Some(impls) => impls,
 324          None => {
 325              return None;
 326          }
 327      };
 328      // impls is the list of all impls in scope for trait_ref.
 329      for &impl_did in impls.borrow().iter() {
 330          // im is one specific impl of trait_ref.
 332          // First, ensure we haven't processed this impl yet.
 333          if impls_seen.contains(&impl_did) {
 334              continue;
 335          }
 336          impls_seen.insert(impl_did);
 338          // ty::impl_traits gives us the trait im implements.
 339          //
 340          // If foo implements a trait t, and if t is the same trait as
 341          // trait_ref, we need to unify it with trait_ref in order to
 342          // get all the ty vars sorted out.
 343          let r = ty::impl_trait_ref(tcx, impl_did);
 344          let of_trait_ref = r.expect("trait_ref missing on trait impl");
 345          if of_trait_ref.def_id != trait_ref.def_id { continue; }
 347          // At this point, we know that of_trait_ref is the same trait
 348          // as trait_ref, but possibly applied to different substs.
 349          //
 350          // Next, we check whether the "for" ty in the impl is
 351          // compatible with the type that we're casting to a
 352          // trait. That is, if im is:
 353          //
 354          // impl<T> some_trait<T> for self_ty<T> { ... }
 355          //
 356          // we check whether self_ty<T> is the type of the thing that
 357          // we're trying to cast to some_trait.  If not, then we try
 358          // the next impl.
 359          //
 360          // FIXME: document a bit more what this means
 361          //
 362          // FIXME(#5781) this should be mk_eqty not mk_subty
 363          let ty::ty_param_substs_and_ty {
 364              substs: substs,
 365              ty: for_ty
 366          } = impl_self_ty(vcx, span, impl_did);
 367          match infer::mk_subty(vcx.infcx,
 368                                false,
 369                                infer::RelateSelfType(span),
 370                                ty,
 371                                for_ty) {
 372              Err(_) => continue,
 373              Ok(()) => ()
 374          }
 376          // Now, in the previous example, for_ty is bound to
 377          // the type self_ty, and substs is bound to [T].
 378          debug!("The self ty is {} and its substs are {}",
 379                 vcx.infcx.ty_to_str(for_ty),
 380                 vcx.infcx.tys_to_str(substs.tps.as_slice()));
 382          // Next, we unify trait_ref -- the type that we want to cast
 383          // to -- with of_trait_ref -- the trait that im implements. At
 384          // this point, we require that they be unifiable with each
 385          // other -- that's what relate_trait_refs does.
 386          //
 387          // For example, in the above example, of_trait_ref would be
 388          // some_trait<T>, so we would be unifying trait_ref<U> (for
 389          // some value of U) with some_trait<T>. This would fail if T
 390          // and U weren't compatible.
 392          debug!("(checking vtable) \\#2 relating trait \
 393                  ty {} to of_trait_ref {}",
 394                 vcx.infcx.trait_ref_to_str(&*trait_ref),
 395                 vcx.infcx.trait_ref_to_str(&*of_trait_ref));
 397          let of_trait_ref = of_trait_ref.subst(tcx, &substs);
 398          relate_trait_refs(vcx, span, of_trait_ref, trait_ref.clone());
 401          // Recall that trait_ref -- the trait type we're casting to --
 402          // is the trait with id trait_ref.def_id applied to the substs
 403          // trait_ref.substs.
 405          // Resolve any sub bounds. Note that there still may be free
 406          // type variables in substs. This might still be OK: the
 407          // process of looking up bounds might constrain some of them.
 408          let im_generics =
 409              ty::lookup_item_type(tcx, impl_did).generics;
 410          let subres = lookup_vtables(vcx, span,
 411                                      im_generics.type_param_defs(), &substs,
 412                                      is_early);
 415          // substs might contain type variables, so we call
 416          // fixup_substs to resolve them.
 417          let substs_f = match fixup_substs(vcx, span,
 418                                            trait_ref.def_id,
 419                                            substs,
 420                                            is_early) {
 421              Some(ref substs) => (*substs).clone(),
 422              None => {
 423                  assert!(is_early);
 424                  // Bail out with a bogus answer
 425                  return Some(vtable_param(param_self, 0));
 426              }
 427          };
 429          debug!("The fixed-up substs are {} - \
 430                  they will be unified with the bounds for \
 431                  the target ty, {}",
 432                 vcx.infcx.tys_to_str(substs_f.tps.as_slice()),
 433                 vcx.infcx.trait_ref_to_str(&*trait_ref));
 435          // Next, we unify the fixed-up substitutions for the impl self
 436          // ty with the substitutions from the trait type that we're
 437          // trying to cast to. connect_trait_tps requires these lists
 438          // of types to unify pairwise.
 439          // I am a little confused about this, since it seems to be
 440          // very similar to the relate_trait_refs we already do,
 441          // but problems crop up if it is removed, so... -sully
 442          connect_trait_tps(vcx, span, &substs_f, trait_ref.clone(), impl_did);
 444          // Finally, we register that we found a matching impl, and
 445          // record the def ID of the impl as well as the resolved list
 446          // of type substitutions for the target trait.
 447          found.push(vtable_static(impl_did, substs_f.tps.clone(), subres));
 448      }
 450      match found.len() {
 451          0 => { return None }
 452          1 => return Some(found.get(0).clone()),
 453          _ => {
 454              if !is_early {
 455                  vcx.tcx().sess.span_err(span, "multiple applicable methods in scope");
 456              }
 457              return Some(found.get(0).clone());
 458          }
 459      }
 460  }
 463  fn fixup_substs(vcx: &VtableContext,
 464                  spanSpan,
 465                  idast::DefId,
 466                  subststy::substs,
 467                  is_early: bool)
 468                  -> Option<ty::substs> {
 469      let tcx = vcx.tcx();
 470      // use a dummy type just to package up the substs that need fixing up
 471      let t = ty::mk_trait(tcx,
 472                           id, substs,
 473                           ty::RegionTraitStore(ty::ReStatic, ast::MutImmutable),
 474                           ty::EmptyBuiltinBounds());
 475      fixup_ty(vcx, span, t, is_early).map(|t_f| {
 476          match ty::get(t_f).sty {
 477            ty::ty_trait(ref inner) => inner.substs.clone(),
 478            _ => fail!("t_f should be a trait")
 479          }
 480      })
 481  }
 483  fn fixup_ty(vcx: &VtableContext,
 484              spanSpan,
 485              tyty::t,
 486              is_early: bool)
 487              -> Option<ty::t> {
 488      let tcx = vcx.tcx();
 489      match resolve_type(vcx.infcx, ty, resolve_and_force_all_but_regions) {
 490          Ok(new_type) => Some(new_type),
 491          Err(e) if !is_early => {
 492              tcx.sess.span_fatal(span,
 493                  format!("cannot determine a type \
 494                        for this bounded type parameter: {}",
 495                       fixup_err_to_str(e)))
 496          }
 497          Err(_) => {
 498              None
 499          }
 500      }
 501  }
 503  fn connect_trait_tps(vcx: &VtableContext,
 504                       spanSpan,
 505                       impl_substs: &ty::substs,
 506                       trait_refRc<ty::TraitRef>,
 507                       impl_didast::DefId) {
 508      let tcx = vcx.tcx();
 510      let impl_trait_ref = match ty::impl_trait_ref(tcx, impl_did) {
 511          Some(t) => t,
 512          None => vcx.tcx().sess.span_bug(span,
 513                                    "connect_trait_tps invoked on a type impl")
 514      };
 516      let impl_trait_ref = impl_trait_ref.subst(tcx, impl_substs);
 517      relate_trait_refs(vcx, span, impl_trait_ref, trait_ref);
 518  }
 520  fn insert_vtables(fcx: &FnCtxt, vtable_keyMethodCall, vtablesvtable_res) {
 521      debug!("insert_vtables(vtable_key={}, vtables={:?})",
 522             vtable_key, vtables.repr(fcx.tcx()));
 523      fcx.inh.vtable_map.borrow_mut().insert(vtable_key, vtables);
 524  }
 526  pub fn early_resolve_expr(ex: &ast::Expr, fcx: &FnCtxt, is_early: bool) {
 527      debug!("vtable: early_resolve_expr() ex with id {:?} (early: {}){}",
 528             ex.id, is_early, expr_to_str(ex));
 529      let _indent = indenter();
 531      let cx = fcx.ccx;
 532      let resolve_object_cast = |src&ast::Expr, target_tyty::t{
 533        match ty::get(target_ty).sty {
 534            // Bounds of type's contents are not checked here, but in kind.rs.
 535            ty::ty_trait(box ty::TyTrait {
 536                def_id: target_def_id, substs: ref target_substs, store, ..
 537            }) => {
 538                fn mutability_allowed(a_mutblast::Mutability,
 539                                      b_mutblast::Mutability) -> bool {
 540                    a_mutbl == b_mutbl ||
 541                    (a_mutbl == ast::MutMutable && b_mutbl == ast::MutImmutable)
 542                }
 543                // Look up vtables for the type we're casting to,
 544                // passing in the source and target type.  The source
 545                // must be a pointer type suitable to the object sigil,
 546                // e.g.: `&x as &Trait` or `box x as Box<Trait>`
 547                let ty = structurally_resolved_type(fcx, ex.span,
 548                                                    fcx.expr_ty(src));
 549                match (&ty::get(ty).sty, store) {
 550                    (&ty::ty_rptr(_, mt), ty::RegionTraitStore(_, mutbl))
 551                      if !mutability_allowed(mt.mutbl, mutbl) => {
 552                        fcx.tcx().sess.span_err(ex.span,
 553                                                format!("types differ in mutability"));
 554                    }
 556                    (&ty::ty_uniq(..), ty::UniqTraitStore) |
 557                    (&ty::ty_rptr(..), ty::RegionTraitStore(..)) => {
 558                      let typ = match &ty::get(ty).sty {
 559                          &ty::ty_box(typ) | &ty::ty_uniq(typ) => typ,
 560                          &ty::ty_rptr(_, mt) => mt.ty,
 561                          _ => fail!("shouldn't get here"),
 562                      };
 564                        let vcx = fcx.vtable_context();
 565                        let target_trait_ref = Rc::new(ty::TraitRef {
 566                            def_id: target_def_id,
 567                            substs: ty::substs {
 568                                tps: target_substs.tps.clone(),
 569                                regions: target_substs.regions.clone(),
 570                                self_ty: Some(typ)
 571                            }
 572                        });
 574                        let param_bounds = ty::ParamBounds {
 575                            builtin_bounds: ty::EmptyBuiltinBounds(),
 576                            trait_bounds: vec!(target_trait_ref)
 577                        };
 578                        let vtables =
 579                              lookup_vtables_for_param(&vcx,
 580                                                       ex.span,
 581                                                       None,
 582                                                       &param_bounds,
 583                                                       typ,
 584                                                       is_early);
 586                        if !is_early {
 587                            insert_vtables(fcx, MethodCall::expr(ex.id), vec!(vtables));
 588                        }
 590                        // Now, if this is &trait, we need to link the
 591                        // regions.
 592                        match (&ty::get(ty).sty, store) {
 593                            (&ty::ty_rptr(ra, _),
 594                             ty::RegionTraitStore(rb, _)) => {
 595                                infer::mk_subr(fcx.infcx(),
 596                                               false,
 597                                               infer::RelateObjectBound(
 598                                                   ex.span),
 599                                               rb,
 600                                               ra);
 601                            }
 602                            _ => {}
 603                        }
 604                    }
 606                    (_, ty::UniqTraitStore) => {
 607                        fcx.ccx.tcx.sess.span_err(
 608                            ex.span,
 609                            format!("can only cast an boxed pointer \
 610                                     to a boxed object, not a {}",
 611                                 ty::ty_sort_str(fcx.tcx(), ty)));
 612                    }
 614                    (_, ty::RegionTraitStore(..)) => {
 615                        fcx.ccx.tcx.sess.span_err(
 616                            ex.span,
 617                            format!("can only cast an &-pointer \
 618                                  to an &-object, not a {}",
 619                                 ty::ty_sort_str(fcx.tcx(), ty)));
 620                    }
 621                }
 622            }
 623            _ => { /* not a cast to a trait; ignore */ }
 624        }
 625      };
 626      match ex.node {
 627        ast::ExprPath(..) => {
 628          fcx.opt_node_ty_substs(ex.id, |substs| {
 629              debug!("vtable resolution on parameter bounds for expr {}",
 630                     ex.repr(fcx.tcx()));
 631              let def = cx.tcx.def_map.borrow().get_copy(&ex.id);
 632              let did = ast_util::def_id_of_def(def);
 633              let item_ty = ty::lookup_item_type(cx.tcx, did);
 634              debug!("early resolve expr: def {:?} {:?}, {:?}, {}", ex.id, did, def,
 635                     fcx.infcx().ty_to_str(item_ty.ty));
 636              if has_trait_bounds(item_ty.generics.type_param_defs()) {
 637                  debug!("early_resolve_expr: looking up vtables for type params {}",
 638                         item_ty.generics.type_param_defs().repr(fcx.tcx()));
 639                  let vcx = fcx.vtable_context();
 640                  let vtbls = lookup_vtables(&vcx, ex.span,
 641                                             item_ty.generics.type_param_defs(),
 642                                             substs, is_early);
 643                  if !is_early {
 644                      insert_vtables(fcx, MethodCall::expr(ex.id), vtbls);
 645                  }
 646              }
 647          });
 648        }
 650        // Must resolve bounds on methods with bounded params
 651        ast::ExprBinary(_, _, _) |
 652        ast::ExprUnary(_, _) |
 653        ast::ExprAssignOp(_, _, _) |
 654        ast::ExprIndex(_, _) |
 655        ast::ExprMethodCall(_, _, _) => {
 656          match fcx.inh.method_map.borrow().find(&MethodCall::expr(ex.id)) {
 657            Some(method) => {
 658              debug!("vtable resolution on parameter bounds for method call {}",
 659                     ex.repr(fcx.tcx()));
 660              let type_param_defs = ty::method_call_type_param_defs(cx.tcx, method.origin);
 661              if has_trait_bounds(type_param_defs.as_slice()) {
 662                  let substs = fcx.method_ty_substs(ex.id);
 663                  let vcx = fcx.vtable_context();
 664                  let vtbls = lookup_vtables(&vcx, ex.span,
 665                                             type_param_defs.as_slice(),
 666                                             &substs, is_early);
 667                  if !is_early {
 668                      insert_vtables(fcx, MethodCall::expr(ex.id), vtbls);
 669                  }
 670              }
 671            }
 672            None => {}
 673          }
 674        }
 675        ast::ExprCast(src, _) => {
 676            debug!("vtable resolution on expr {}", ex.repr(fcx.tcx()));
 677            let target_ty = fcx.expr_ty(ex);
 678            resolve_object_cast(src, target_ty);
 679        }
 680        _ => ()
 681      }
 683      // Search for auto-adjustments to find trait coercions
 684      match fcx.inh.adjustments.borrow().find(&ex.id) {
 685          Some(adjustment) => {
 686              match *adjustment {
 687                  AutoDerefRef(adj) => {
 688                      for autoderef in range(0, adj.autoderefs) {
 689                          let method_call = MethodCall::autoderef(ex.id, autoderef as u32);
 690                          match fcx.inh.method_map.borrow().find(&method_call) {
 691                              Some(method) => {
 692                                  debug!("vtable resolution on parameter bounds for autoderef {}",
 693                                         ex.repr(fcx.tcx()));
 694                                  let type_param_defs =
 695                                      ty::method_call_type_param_defs(cx.tcx, method.origin);
 696                                  if has_trait_bounds(type_param_defs.deref().as_slice()) {
 697                                      let vcx = fcx.vtable_context();
 698                                      let vtbls = lookup_vtables(&vcx, ex.span,
 699                                                                 type_param_defs.deref()
 700                                                                 .as_slice(),
 701                                                                 &method.substs, is_early);
 702                                      if !is_early {
 703                                          insert_vtables(fcx, method_call, vtbls);
 704                                      }
 705                                  }
 706                              }
 707                              None => {}
 708                          }
 709                      }
 710                  }
 711                  AutoObject(store,
 712                             bounds,
 713                             def_id,
 714                             ref substs) => {
 715                      debug!("doing trait adjustment for expr {} {} \
 716                              (early? {})",
 717                             ex.id,
 718                             ex.repr(fcx.tcx()),
 719                             is_early);
 721                      let object_ty = ty::mk_trait(cx.tcx, def_id,
 722                                                   substs.clone(),
 723                                                   store, bounds);
 724                      resolve_object_cast(ex, object_ty);
 725                  }
 726                  AutoAddEnv(..) => {}
 727              }
 728          }
 729          None => {}
 730      }
 731  }
 733  pub fn resolve_impl(tcx: &ty::ctxt,
 734                      impl_item: &ast::Item,
 735                      impl_generics: &ty::Generics,
 736                      impl_trait_ref: &ty::TraitRef) {
 737      let param_env = ty::construct_parameter_environment(
 738          tcx,
 739          None,
 740          impl_generics.type_param_defs(),
 741          [],
 742          impl_generics.region_param_defs(),
 743          [],
 744          impl_item.id);
 746      let impl_trait_ref = impl_trait_ref.subst(tcx, &param_env.free_substs);
 748      let infcx = &infer::new_infer_ctxt(tcx);
 749      let vcx = VtableContext { infcx: infcx, param_env: &param_env };
 751      // First, check that the impl implements any trait bounds
 752      // on the trait.
 753      let trait_def = ty::lookup_trait_def(tcx, impl_trait_ref.def_id);
 754      let vtbls = lookup_vtables(&vcx, impl_item.span,
 755                                 trait_def.generics.type_param_defs(),
 756                                 &impl_trait_ref.substs,
 757                                 false);
 759      // Now, locate the vtable for the impl itself. The real
 760      // purpose of this is to check for supertrait impls,
 761      // but that falls out of doing this.
 762      let param_bounds = ty::ParamBounds {
 763          builtin_bounds: ty::EmptyBuiltinBounds(),
 764          trait_bounds: vec!(Rc::new(impl_trait_ref))
 765      };
 766      let t = ty::node_id_to_type(tcx, impl_item.id);
 767      let t = t.subst(tcx, &param_env.free_substs);
 768      debug!("=== Doing a self lookup now.");
 770      // Right now, we don't have any place to store this.
 771      // We will need to make one so we can use this information
 772      // for compiling default methods that refer to supertraits.
 773      let self_vtable_res =
 774          lookup_vtables_for_param(&vcx, impl_item.span, None,
 775                                   &param_bounds, t, false);
 778      let res = impl_res {
 779          trait_vtables: vtbls,
 780          self_vtables: self_vtable_res
 781      };
 782      let impl_def_id = ast_util::local_def(impl_item.id);
 784      tcx.impl_vtables.borrow_mut().insert(impl_def_id, res);
 785  }
 787  /// Resolve vtables for a method call after typeck has finished.
 788  /// Used by trans to monomorphize artificial method callees (e.g. drop).
 789  pub fn trans_resolve_method(tcx: &ty::ctxt, idast::NodeId,
 790                              substs: &ty::substs) -> Option<vtable_res> {
 791      let generics = ty::lookup_item_type(tcx, ast_util::local_def(id)).generics;
 792      let type_param_defs = &*generics.type_param_defs;
 793      if has_trait_bounds(type_param_defs.as_slice()) {
 794          let vcx = VtableContext {
 795              infcx: &infer::new_infer_ctxt(tcx),
 796              param_env: &ty::construct_parameter_environment(tcx, None, [], [], [], [], id)
 797          };
 799          Some(lookup_vtables(&vcx,
 800                              tcx.map.span(id),
 801                              type_param_defs.as_slice(),
 802                              substs,
 803                              false))
 804      } else {
 805          None
 806      }
 807  }
 809  impl<'a, 'b> visit::Visitor<()> for &'a FnCtxt<'b> {
 810      fn visit_expr(&mut self, ex&ast::Expr, _()) {
 811          early_resolve_expr(ex, *self, false);
 812          visit::walk_expr(self, ex, ());
 813      }
 814      fn visit_item(&mut self, _&ast::Item, _()) {
 815          // no-op
 816      }
 817  }
 819  // Detect points where a trait-bounded type parameter is
 820  // instantiated, resolve the impls for the parameters.
 821  pub fn resolve_in_block(mut fcx: &FnCtxt, bl: &ast::Block) {
 822      visit::walk_block(&mut fcx, bl, ());
 823  }

librustc/middle/typeck/check/vtable.rs:525:1-525:1 -fn- definition:
pub fn early_resolve_expr(ex: &ast::Expr, fcx: &FnCtxt, is_early: bool) {
    debug!("vtable: early_resolve_expr() ex with id {:?} (early: {}): {}",
           ex.id, is_early, expr_to_str(ex));
references:- 2
810:     fn visit_expr(&mut self, ex: &ast::Expr, _: ()) {
811:         early_resolve_expr(ex, *self, false);
812:         visit::walk_expr(self, ex, ());
1806:             if check_blocks {
1807:                 vtable::early_resolve_expr(callee_expr, fcx, true);
1808:             }

librustc/middle/typeck/check/vtable.rs:65:53-65:53 -struct- definition:
/// callback function to call in case of type error.
pub struct VtableContext<'a> {
    pub infcx: &'a infer::InferCtxt<'a>,
references:- 15
748:     let infcx = &infer::new_infer_ctxt(tcx);
749:     let vcx = VtableContext { infcx: infcx, param_env: &param_env };
793:     if has_trait_bounds(type_param_defs.as_slice()) {
794:         let vcx = VtableContext {
795:             infcx: &infer::new_infer_ctxt(tcx),
1074:     pub fn vtable_context<'a>(&'a self) -> VtableContext<'a> {
1075:         VtableContext {
1076:             infcx: self.infcx(),
1480: // variables.
1481: pub fn impl_self_ty(vcx: &VtableContext,
1482:                     span: Span, // (potential) receiver for this impl
216: // Look up the vtable implementing the trait `trait_ref` at type `t`
217: fn lookup_vtable(vcx: &VtableContext,
218:                  span: Span,

librustc/middle/typeck/check/vtable.rs:174:1-174:1 -fn- definition:
fn relate_trait_refs(vcx: &VtableContext,
                     span: Span,
                     act_trait_ref: Rc<ty::TraitRef>,
references:- 3
292:         if bound_trait_ref.def_id == trait_ref.def_id {
293:             relate_trait_refs(vcx, span, bound_trait_ref, trait_ref.clone());
294:             let vtable = vtable_param(param, n_bound);
397:         let of_trait_ref = of_trait_ref.subst(tcx, &substs);
398:         relate_trait_refs(vcx, span, of_trait_ref, trait_ref.clone());
516:     let impl_trait_ref = impl_trait_ref.subst(tcx, impl_substs);
517:     relate_trait_refs(vcx, span, impl_trait_ref, trait_ref);
518: }

librustc/middle/typeck/check/vtable.rs:79:1-79:1 -fn- definition:
fn lookup_vtables(vcx: &VtableContext,
                  span: Span,
                  type_param_defs: &[ty::TypeParameterDef],
references:- 6
409:             ty::lookup_item_type(tcx, impl_did).generics;
410:         let subres = lookup_vtables(vcx, span,
411:                                     im_generics.type_param_defs(), &substs,
753:     let trait_def = ty::lookup_trait_def(tcx, impl_trait_ref.def_id);
754:     let vtbls = lookup_vtables(&vcx, impl_item.span,
755:                                trait_def.generics.type_param_defs(),
799:         Some(lookup_vtables(&vcx,
800:                             tcx.map.span(id),

librustc/middle/typeck/check/vtable.rs:74:1-74:1 -fn- definition:
fn has_trait_bounds(type_param_defs: &[ty::TypeParameterDef]) -> bool {
        |type_param_def| !type_param_def.bounds.trait_bounds.is_empty())
references:- 4
695:                                     ty::method_call_type_param_defs(cx.tcx, method.origin);
696:                                 if has_trait_bounds(type_param_defs.deref().as_slice()) {
697:                                     let vcx = fcx.vtable_context();
792:     let type_param_defs = &*generics.type_param_defs;
793:     if has_trait_bounds(type_param_defs.as_slice()) {
794:         let vcx = VtableContext {

librustc/middle/typeck/check/vtable.rs:482:1-482:1 -fn- definition:
fn fixup_ty(vcx: &VtableContext,
            span: Span,
            ty: ty::t,
references:- 2
474:                          ty::EmptyBuiltinBounds());
475:     fixup_ty(vcx, span, t, is_early).map(|t_f| {
476:         match ty::get(t_f).sty {

librustc/middle/typeck/check/vtable.rs:519:1-519:1 -fn- definition:
fn insert_vtables(fcx: &FnCtxt, vtable_key: MethodCall, vtables: vtable_res) {
    debug!("insert_vtables(vtable_key={}, vtables={:?})",
           vtable_key, vtables.repr(fcx.tcx()));
references:- 4
702:                                     if !is_early {
703:                                         insert_vtables(fcx, method_call, vtbls);
704:                                     }

librustc/middle/typeck/check/vtable.rs:116:1-116:1 -fn- definition:
fn lookup_vtables_for_param(vcx: &VtableContext,
                            span: Span,
                            // None for substs means the identity
references:- 3
578:                       let vtables =
579:                             lookup_vtables_for_param(&vcx,
580:                                                      ex.span,
773:     let self_vtable_res =
774:         lookup_vtables_for_param(&vcx, impl_item.span, None,
775:                                  &param_bounds, t, false);

librustc/middle/typeck/check/vtable.rs:277:46-277:46 -fn- definition:
// of them are the vtable we are looking for.
fn lookup_vtable_from_bounds(vcx: &VtableContext,
                             span: Span,
references:- 2
247:                     env_bounds.get(n).trait_bounds.as_slice();
248:                 lookup_vtable_from_bounds(vcx, span,
249:                                           type_param_bounds,
258:             let self_param_bound = vcx.param_env.self_param_bound.clone().unwrap();
259:             lookup_vtable_from_bounds(vcx, span,
260:                                       [self_param_bound],