(index<- )        ./librustc/middle/resolve_lifetime.rs

    git branch:    * master           5200215 auto merge of #14035 : alexcrichton/rust/experimental, r=huonw
    modified:    Fri Apr 25 22:40:04 2014
   1  // Copyright 2012-2013 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
   2  // file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
   3  // http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
   4  //
   5  // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
   6  // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
   7  // <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
   8  // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
   9  // except according to those terms.
  11  /*!
  12   * Name resolution for lifetimes.
  13   *
  14   * Name resolution for lifetimes follows MUCH simpler rules than the
  15   * full resolve. For example, lifetime names are never exported or
  16   * used between functions, and they operate in a purely top-down
  17   * way. Therefore we break lifetime name resolution into a separate pass.
  18   */
  20  use driver::session::Session;
  21  use util::nodemap::NodeMap;
  22  use syntax::ast;
  23  use syntax::codemap::Span;
  24  use syntax::owned_slice::OwnedSlice;
  25  use syntax::parse::token::special_idents;
  26  use syntax::parse::token;
  27  use syntax::print::pprust::{lifetime_to_str};
  28  use syntax::visit;
  29  use syntax::visit::Visitor;
  31  // maps the id of each lifetime reference to the lifetime decl
  32  // that it corresponds to
  33  pub type NamedRegionMap = NodeMap<ast::DefRegion>;
  35  // Returns an instance of some type that implements std::fmt::Show
  36  fn lifetime_show(lt_name: &ast::Name) -> token::InternedString {
  37      token::get_name(*lt_name)
  38  }
  40  struct LifetimeContext<'a> {
  41      sess: &'a Session,
  42      named_region_map: NamedRegionMap,
  43  }
  45  enum ScopeChain<'a> {
  46      /// EarlyScope(i, ['a, 'b, ...], s) extends s with early-bound
  47      /// lifetimes, assigning indexes 'a => i, 'b => i+1, ... etc.
  48      EarlyScope(uint, &'a Vec<ast::Lifetime>, Scope<'a>),
  49      /// LateScope(binder_id, ['a, 'b, ...], s) extends s with late-bound
  50      /// lifetimes introduced by the declaration binder_id.
  51      LateScope(ast::NodeId, &'a Vec<ast::Lifetime>, Scope<'a>),
  52      /// lifetimes introduced by items within a code block are scoped
  53      /// to that block.
  54      BlockScope(ast::NodeId, Scope<'a>),
  55      RootScope
  56  }
  58  type Scope<'a> = &'a ScopeChain<'a>;
  60  pub fn krate(sess: &Session, krate: &ast::Crate) -> NamedRegionMap {
  61      let mut ctxt = LifetimeContext {
  62          sess: sess,
  63          named_region_map: NodeMap::new()
  64      };
  65      visit::walk_crate(&mut ctxt, krate, &RootScope);
  66      sess.abort_if_errors();
  67      ctxt.named_region_map
  68  }
  70  impl<'a, 'b> Visitor<Scope<'a>> for LifetimeContext<'b> {
  71      fn visit_item(&mut self,
  72                    item&ast::Item,
  73                    _Scope<'a>) {
  74          let root = RootScope;
  75          let scope = match item.node {
  76              ast::ItemFn(..) | // fn lifetimes get added in visit_fn below
  77              ast::ItemMod(..) |
  78              ast::ItemMac(..) |
  79              ast::ItemForeignMod(..) |
  80              ast::ItemStatic(..) => {
  81                  RootScope
  82              }
  83              ast::ItemTy(_, ref generics) |
  84              ast::ItemEnum(_, ref generics) |
  85              ast::ItemStruct(_, ref generics) |
  86              ast::ItemImpl(ref generics, _, _, _) |
  87              ast::ItemTrait(ref generics, _, _, _) => {
  88                  self.check_lifetime_names(&generics.lifetimes);
  89                  EarlyScope(0, &generics.lifetimes, &root)
  90              }
  91          };
  92          debug!("entering scope {:?}", scope);
  93          visit::walk_item(self, item, &scope);
  94          debug!("exiting scope {:?}", scope);
  95      }
  97      fn visit_fn(&mut self, fk&visit::FnKind, fd&ast::FnDecl,
  98                  b&ast::Block, sSpan, nast::NodeId,
  99                  scopeScope<'a>) {
 100          match *fk {
 101              visit::FkItemFn(_, generics, _, _) |
 102              visit::FkMethod(_, generics, _) => {
 103                  self.visit_fn_decl(
 104                      n, generics, scope,
 105                      |this, scope1| visit::walk_fn(this, fk, fd, b, s, n, scope1))
 106              }
 107              visit::FkFnBlock(..) => {
 108                  visit::walk_fn(self, fk, fd, b, s, n, scope)
 109              }
 110          }
 111      }
 113      fn visit_ty(&mut self, ty&ast::Ty, scopeScope<'a>) {
 114          match ty.node {
 115              ast::TyClosure(c, _) | ast::TyProc(c) => {
 116                  push_fn_scope(self, ty, scope, &c.lifetimes);
 117              }
 118              ast::TyBareFn(c) => push_fn_scope(self, ty, scope, &c.lifetimes),
 119              _ => visit::walk_ty(self, ty, scope),
 120          }
 122          fn push_fn_scope(this: &mut LifetimeContext,
 123                           ty: &ast::Ty,
 124                           scopeScope,
 125                           lifetimes: &Vec<ast::Lifetime>) {
 126              let scope1 = LateScope(ty.id, lifetimes, scope);
 127              this.check_lifetime_names(lifetimes);
 128              debug!("pushing fn scope id={} due to type", ty.id);
 129              visit::walk_ty(this, ty, &scope1);
 130              debug!("popping fn scope id={} due to type", ty.id);
 131          }
 132      }
 134      fn visit_ty_method(&mut self,
 135                         m&ast::TypeMethod,
 136                         scopeScope<'a>) {
 137          self.visit_fn_decl(
 138              m.id, &m.generics, scope,
 139              |this, scope1| visit::walk_ty_method(this, m, scope1))
 140      }
 142      fn visit_block(&mut self,
 143                     b&ast::Block,
 144                     scopeScope<'a>) {
 145          let scope1 = BlockScope(b.id, scope);
 146          debug!("pushing block scope {}", b.id);
 147          visit::walk_block(self, b, &scope1);
 148          debug!("popping block scope {}", b.id);
 149      }
 151      fn visit_lifetime_ref(&mut self,
 152                            lifetime_ref&ast::Lifetime,
 153                            scopeScope<'a>) {
 154          if lifetime_ref.name == special_idents::statik.name {
 155              self.insert_lifetime(lifetime_ref, ast::DefStaticRegion);
 156              return;
 157          }
 158          self.resolve_lifetime_ref(lifetime_ref, scope);
 159      }
 160  }
 162  impl<'a> ScopeChain<'a> {
 163      fn count_early_params(&self) -> uint {
 164          /*!
 165           * Counts the number of early-bound parameters that are in
 166           * scope.  Used when checking methods: the early-bound
 167           * lifetime parameters declared on the method are assigned
 168           * indices that come after the indices from the type.  Given
 169           * something like `impl<'a> Foo { ... fn bar<'b>(...) }`
 170           * then `'a` gets index 0 and `'b` gets index 1.
 171           */
 173          match *self {
 174              RootScope => 0,
 175              EarlyScope(base, lifetimes, _) => base + lifetimes.len(),
 176              LateScope(_, _, s) => s.count_early_params(),
 177              BlockScope(_, _) => 0,
 178          }
 179      }
 180  }
 182  impl<'a> LifetimeContext<'a> {
 183      /// Visits self by adding a scope and handling recursive walk over the contents with `walk`.
 184      fn visit_fn_decl(&mut self,
 185                       nast::NodeId,
 186                       generics&ast::Generics,
 187                       scopeScope,
 188                       walk|&mut LifetimeContext, Scope|) {
 189          /*!
 190           * Handles visiting fns and methods. These are a bit
 191           * complicated because we must distinguish early- vs late-bound
 192           * lifetime parameters. We do this by checking which lifetimes
 193           * appear within type bounds; those are early bound lifetimes,
 194           * and the rest are late bound.
 195           *
 196           * For example:
 197           *
 198           *    fn foo<'a,'b,'c,T:Trait<'b>>(...)
 199           *
 200           * Here `'a` and `'c` are late bound but `'b` is early
 201           * bound. Note that early- and late-bound lifetimes may be
 202           * interspersed together.
 203           *
 204           * If early bound lifetimes are present, we separate them into
 205           * their own list (and likewise for late bound). They will be
 206           * numbered sequentially, starting from the lowest index that
 207           * is already in scope (for a fn item, that will be 0, but for
 208           * a method it might not be). Late bound lifetimes are
 209           * resolved by name and associated with a binder id (`n`), so
 210           * the ordering is not important there.
 211           */
 213          self.check_lifetime_names(&generics.lifetimes);
 215          let early_count = scope.count_early_params();
 216          let referenced_idents = free_lifetimes(&generics.ty_params);
 217          debug!("pushing fn scope id={} due to fn item/method\
 218                 referenced_idents={:?} \
 219                 early_count={}",
 220                 n,
 221                 referenced_idents.iter().map(lifetime_show).collect::<Vec<token::InternedString>>(),
 222                 early_count);
 223          if referenced_idents.is_empty() {
 224              let scope1 = LateScope(n, &generics.lifetimes, scope);
 225              walk(self, &scope1)
 226          } else {
 227              let (early, late) = generics.lifetimes.clone().partition(
 228                  |l| referenced_idents.iter().any(|&i| i == l.name));
 230              let scope1 = EarlyScope(early_count, &early, scope);
 231              let scope2 = LateScope(n, &late, &scope1);
 233              walk(self, &scope2);
 234          }
 235          debug!("popping fn scope id={} due to fn item/method", n);
 236      }
 238      fn resolve_lifetime_ref(&mut self,
 239                              lifetime_ref&ast::Lifetime,
 240                              scopeScope) {
 241          // Walk up the scope chain, tracking the number of fn scopes
 242          // that we pass through, until we find a lifetime with the
 243          // given name or we run out of scopes. If we encounter a code
 244          // block, then the lifetime is not bound but free, so switch
 245          // over to `resolve_free_lifetime_ref()` to complete the
 246          // search.
 247          let mut depth = 0;
 248          let mut scope = scope;
 249          loop {
 250              match *scope {
 251                  BlockScope(id, s) => {
 252                      return self.resolve_free_lifetime_ref(id, lifetime_ref, s);
 253                  }
 255                  RootScope => {
 256                      break;
 257                  }
 259                  EarlyScope(base, lifetimes, s) => {
 260                      match search_lifetimes(lifetimes, lifetime_ref) {
 261                          Some((offset, decl_id)) => {
 262                              let index = base + offset;
 263                              let def = ast::DefEarlyBoundRegion(index, decl_id);
 264                              self.insert_lifetime(lifetime_ref, def);
 265                              return;
 266                          }
 267                          None => {
 268                              depth += 1;
 269                              scope = s;
 270                          }
 271                      }
 272                  }
 274                  LateScope(binder_id, lifetimes, s) => {
 275                      match search_lifetimes(lifetimes, lifetime_ref) {
 276                          Some((_index, decl_id)) => {
 277                              let def = ast::DefLateBoundRegion(binder_id, depth, decl_id);
 278                              self.insert_lifetime(lifetime_ref, def);
 279                              return;
 280                          }
 282                          None => {
 283                              depth += 1;
 284                              scope = s;
 285                          }
 286                      }
 287                  }
 288              }
 289          }
 291          self.unresolved_lifetime_ref(lifetime_ref);
 292      }
 294      fn resolve_free_lifetime_ref(&mut self,
 295                                   scope_idast::NodeId,
 296                                   lifetime_ref&ast::Lifetime,
 297                                   scopeScope) {
 298          // Walk up the scope chain, tracking the outermost free scope,
 299          // until we encounter a scope that contains the named lifetime
 300          // or we run out of scopes.
 301          let mut scope_id = scope_id;
 302          let mut scope = scope;
 303          let mut search_result = None;
 304          loop {
 305              match *scope {
 306                  BlockScope(id, s) => {
 307                      scope_id = id;
 308                      scope = s;
 309                  }
 311                  RootScope => {
 312                      break;
 313                  }
 315                  EarlyScope(_, lifetimes, s) |
 316                  LateScope(_, lifetimes, s) => {
 317                      search_result = search_lifetimes(lifetimes, lifetime_ref);
 318                      if search_result.is_some() {
 319                          break;
 320                      }
 321                      scope = s;
 322                  }
 323              }
 324          }
 326          match search_result {
 327              Some((_depth, decl_id)) => {
 328                  let def = ast::DefFreeRegion(scope_id, decl_id);
 329                  self.insert_lifetime(lifetime_ref, def);
 330              }
 332              None => {
 333                  self.unresolved_lifetime_ref(lifetime_ref);
 334              }
 335          }
 337      }
 339      fn unresolved_lifetime_ref(&self,
 340                                 lifetime_ref&ast::Lifetime) {
 341          self.sess.span_err(
 342              lifetime_ref.span,
 343              format!("use of undeclared lifetime name `'{}`",
 344                      token::get_name(lifetime_ref.name)));
 345      }
 347      fn check_lifetime_names(&self, lifetimes&Vec<ast::Lifetime>) {
 348          for i in range(0, lifetimes.len()) {
 349              let lifetime_i = lifetimes.get(i);
 351              let special_idents = [special_idents::statik];
 352              for lifetime in lifetimes.iter() {
 353                  if special_idents.iter().any(|&i| i.name == lifetime.name) {
 354                      self.sess.span_err(
 355                          lifetime.span,
 356                          format!("illegal lifetime parameter name: `{}`",
 357                                  token::get_name(lifetime.name)));
 358                  }
 359              }
 361              for j in range(i + 1, lifetimes.len()) {
 362                  let lifetime_j = lifetimes.get(j);
 364                  if lifetime_i.name == lifetime_j.name {
 365                      self.sess.span_err(
 366                          lifetime_j.span,
 367                          format!("lifetime name `'{}` declared twice in \
 368                                  the same scope",
 369                                  token::get_name(lifetime_j.name)));
 370                  }
 371              }
 372          }
 373      }
 375      fn insert_lifetime(&mut self,
 376                         lifetime_ref&ast::Lifetime,
 377                         defast::DefRegion) {
 378          if lifetime_ref.id == ast::DUMMY_NODE_ID {
 379              self.sess.span_bug(lifetime_ref.span,
 380                                 "lifetime reference not renumbered, \
 381                                 probably a bug in syntax::fold");
 382          }
 384          debug!("lifetime_ref={} id={} resolved to {:?}",
 385                  lifetime_to_str(lifetime_ref),
 386                  lifetime_ref.id,
 387                  def);
 388          self.named_region_map.insert(lifetime_ref.id, def);
 389      }
 390  }
 392  fn search_lifetimes(lifetimes: &Vec<ast::Lifetime>,
 393                      lifetime_ref: &ast::Lifetime)
 394                      -> Option<(uint, ast::NodeId)> {
 395      for (i, lifetime_decl) in lifetimes.iter().enumerate() {
 396          if lifetime_decl.name == lifetime_ref.name {
 397              return Some((i, lifetime_decl.id));
 398          }
 399      }
 400      return None;
 401  }
 403  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
 405  pub fn early_bound_lifetimes<'a>(generics: &'a ast::Generics) -> Vec<ast::Lifetime> {
 406      let referenced_idents = free_lifetimes(&generics.ty_params);
 407      if referenced_idents.is_empty() {
 408          return Vec::new();
 409      }
 411      generics.lifetimes.iter()
 412          .filter(|l| referenced_idents.iter().any(|&i| i == l.name))
 413          .map(|l| *l)
 414          .collect()
 415  }
 417  pub fn free_lifetimes(ty_params: &OwnedSlice<ast::TyParam>) -> Vec<ast::Name> {
 418      /*!
 419       * Gathers up and returns the names of any lifetimes that appear
 420       * free in `ty_params`. Of course, right now, all lifetimes appear
 421       * free, since we don't currently have any binders in type parameter
 422       * declarations; just being forwards compatible with future extensions.
 423       */
 425      let mut collector = FreeLifetimeCollector { names: vec!() };
 426      for ty_param in ty_params.iter() {
 427          visit::walk_ty_param_bounds(&mut collector, &ty_param.bounds, ());
 428      }
 429      return collector.names;
 431      struct FreeLifetimeCollector {
 432          names: Vec<ast::Name>,
 433      }
 435      impl Visitor<()> for FreeLifetimeCollector {
 436          fn visit_lifetime_ref(&mut self,
 437                                lifetime_ref&ast::Lifetime,
 438                                _()) {
 439              self.names.push(lifetime_ref.name);
 440          }
 441      }
 442  }

librustc/middle/resolve_lifetime.rs:44:1-44:1 -enum- definition:
enum ScopeChain<'a> {
    /// EarlyScope(i, ['a, 'b, ...], s) extends s with early-bound
    /// lifetimes, assigning indexes 'a => i, 'b => i+1, ... etc.
references:- 2
58: type Scope<'a> = &'a ScopeChain<'a>;
162: impl<'a> ScopeChain<'a> {
163:     fn count_early_params(&self) -> uint {

librustc/middle/resolve_lifetime.rs:416:1-416:1 -fn- definition:
pub fn free_lifetimes(ty_params: &OwnedSlice<ast::TyParam>) -> Vec<ast::Name> {
     * Gathers up and returns the names of any lifetimes that appear
references:- 2
215:         let early_count = scope.count_early_params();
216:         let referenced_idents = free_lifetimes(&generics.ty_params);
217:         debug!("pushing fn scope id={} due to fn item/method\
405: pub fn early_bound_lifetimes<'a>(generics: &'a ast::Generics) -> Vec<ast::Lifetime> {
406:     let referenced_idents = free_lifetimes(&generics.ty_params);
407:     if referenced_idents.is_empty() {

librustc/middle/resolve_lifetime.rs:431:4-431:4 -struct- definition:
    struct FreeLifetimeCollector {
        names: Vec<ast::Name>,
references:- 2
425:     let mut collector = FreeLifetimeCollector { names: vec!() };
426:     for ty_param in ty_params.iter() {
435:     impl Visitor<()> for FreeLifetimeCollector {
436:         fn visit_lifetime_ref(&mut self,

librustc/middle/resolve_lifetime.rs:32:26-32:26 -NK_AS_STR_TODO- definition:
// that it corresponds to
pub type NamedRegionMap = NodeMap<ast::DefRegion>;
// Returns an instance of some type that implements std::fmt::Show
references:- 4
41:     sess: &'a Session,
42:     named_region_map: NamedRegionMap,
43: }
247:     pub named_region_map: resolve_lifetime::NamedRegionMap,
1073:                dm: resolve::DefMap,
1074:                named_region_map: resolve_lifetime::NamedRegionMap,
1075:                map: ast_map::Map,
60: pub fn krate(sess: &Session, krate: &ast::Crate) -> NamedRegionMap {
61:     let mut ctxt = LifetimeContext {

librustc/middle/resolve_lifetime.rs:39:1-39:1 -struct- definition:
struct LifetimeContext<'a> {
    sess: &'a Session,
    named_region_map: NamedRegionMap,
references:- 5
60: pub fn krate(sess: &Session, krate: &ast::Crate) -> NamedRegionMap {
61:     let mut ctxt = LifetimeContext {
62:         sess: sess,
70: impl<'a, 'b> Visitor<Scope<'a>> for LifetimeContext<'b> {
71:     fn visit_item(&mut self,
182: impl<'a> LifetimeContext<'a> {
183:     /// Visits self by adding a scope and handling recursive walk over the contents with `walk`.
187:                      scope: Scope,
188:                      walk: |&mut LifetimeContext, Scope|) {
189:         /*!

librustc/middle/resolve_lifetime.rs:122:8-122:8 -fn- definition:
        fn push_fn_scope(this: &mut LifetimeContext,
                         ty: &ast::Ty,
                         scope: Scope,
references:- 2
117:             }
118:             ast::TyBareFn(c) => push_fn_scope(self, ty, scope, &c.lifetimes),
119:             _ => visit::walk_ty(self, ty, scope),

librustc/middle/resolve_lifetime.rs:391:1-391:1 -fn- definition:
fn search_lifetimes(lifetimes: &Vec<ast::Lifetime>,
                    lifetime_ref: &ast::Lifetime)
                    -> Option<(uint, ast::NodeId)> {
references:- 3
316:                 LateScope(_, lifetimes, s) => {
317:                     search_result = search_lifetimes(lifetimes, lifetime_ref);
318:                     if search_result.is_some() {

librustc/middle/resolve_lifetime.rs:57:1-57:1 -NK_AS_STR_TODO- definition:
type Scope<'a> = &'a ScopeChain<'a>;
pub fn krate(sess: &Session, krate: &ast::Crate) -> NamedRegionMap {
    let mut ctxt = LifetimeContext {
references:- 15
187:                      scope: Scope,
188:                      walk: |&mut LifetimeContext, Scope|) {
189:         /*!
296:                                  lifetime_ref: &ast::Lifetime,
297:                                  scope: Scope) {
298:         // Walk up the scope chain, tracking the outermost free scope,