(index<- ) ./libfourcc/lib.rs
git branch: * master 5200215 auto merge of #14035 : alexcrichton/rust/experimental, r=huonw
modified: Fri May 9 13:02:28 2014
1 // Copyright 2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
2 // file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
3 // http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
4 //
5 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
6 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
7 // <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
8 // option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
9 // except according to those terms.
11 /*!
12 Syntax extension to generate FourCCs.
14 Once loaded, fourcc!() is called with a single 4-character string,
15 and an optional ident that is either `big`, `little`, or `target`.
16 The ident represents endianness, and specifies in which direction
17 the characters should be read. If the ident is omitted, it is assumed
18 to be `big`, i.e. left-to-right order. It returns a u32.
20 # Examples
22 To load the extension and use it:
24 ```rust,ignore
25 #[phase(syntax)]
26 extern crate fourcc;
28 fn main() {
29 let val = fourcc!("\xC0\xFF\xEE!");
30 assert_eq!(val, 0xC0FFEE21u32);
31 let little_val = fourcc!("foo ", little);
32 assert_eq!(little_val, 0x21EEFFC0u32);
33 }
34 ```
36 # References
38 * [Wikipedia: FourCC](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FourCC)
40 */
42 #![crate_id = "fourcc#0.11-pre"]
43 #![crate_type = "rlib"]
44 #![crate_type = "dylib"]
45 #![license = "MIT/ASL2"]
46 #![doc(html_logo_url = "http://www.rust-lang.org/logos/rust-logo-128x128-blk-v2.png",
47 html_favicon_url = "http://www.rust-lang.org/favicon.ico",
48 html_root_url = "http://static.rust-lang.org/doc/master")]
50 #![deny(deprecated_owned_vector)]
51 #![feature(macro_registrar, managed_boxes)]
53 extern crate syntax;
55 use syntax::ast;
56 use syntax::ast::Name;
57 use syntax::attr::contains;
58 use syntax::codemap::{Span, mk_sp};
59 use syntax::ext::base;
60 use syntax::ext::base::{SyntaxExtension, BasicMacroExpander, NormalTT, ExtCtxt, MacExpr};
61 use syntax::ext::build::AstBuilder;
62 use syntax::parse;
63 use syntax::parse::token;
64 use syntax::parse::token::InternedString;
66 #[macro_registrar]
67 pub fn macro_registrar(register: |Name, SyntaxExtension|) {
68 register(token::intern("fourcc"),
69 NormalTT(box BasicMacroExpander {
70 expander: expand_syntax_ext,
71 span: None,
72 },
73 None));
74 }
76 pub fn expand_syntax_ext(cx: &mut ExtCtxt, sp: Span, tts: &[ast::TokenTree])
77 -> Box<base::MacResult> {
78 let (expr, endian) = parse_tts(cx, tts);
80 let little = match endian {
81 None => false,
82 Some(Ident{ident, span}) => match token::get_ident(ident).get() {
83 "little" => true,
84 "big" => false,
85 "target" => target_endian_little(cx, sp),
86 _ => {
87 cx.span_err(span, "invalid endian directive in fourcc!");
88 target_endian_little(cx, sp)
89 }
90 }
91 };
93 let s = match expr.node {
94 // expression is a literal
95 ast::ExprLit(ref lit) => match lit.node {
96 // string literal
97 ast::LitStr(ref s, _) => {
98 if s.get().char_len() != 4 {
99 cx.span_err(expr.span, "string literal with len != 4 in fourcc!");
100 }
101 s
102 }
103 _ => {
104 cx.span_err(expr.span, "unsupported literal in fourcc!");
105 return base::DummyResult::expr(sp)
106 }
107 },
108 _ => {
109 cx.span_err(expr.span, "non-literal in fourcc!");
110 return base::DummyResult::expr(sp)
111 }
112 };
114 let mut val = 0u32;
115 for codepoint in s.get().chars().take(4) {
116 let byte = if codepoint as u32 > 0xFF {
117 cx.span_err(expr.span, "fourcc! literal character out of range 0-255");
118 0u8
119 } else {
120 codepoint as u8
121 };
123 val = if little {
124 (val >> 8) | ((byte as u32) << 24)
125 } else {
126 (val << 8) | (byte as u32)
127 };
128 }
129 let e = cx.expr_lit(sp, ast::LitUint(val as u64, ast::TyU32));
130 MacExpr::new(e)
131 }
133 struct Ident {
134 ident: ast::Ident,
135 span: Span
136 }
138 fn parse_tts(cx: &ExtCtxt, tts: &[ast::TokenTree]) -> (@ast::Expr, Option<Ident>) {
139 let p = &mut parse::new_parser_from_tts(cx.parse_sess(),
140 cx.cfg(),
141 tts.iter()
142 .map(|x| (*x).clone())
143 .collect());
144 let ex = p.parse_expr();
145 let id = if p.token == token::EOF {
146 None
147 } else {
148 p.expect(&token::COMMA);
149 let lo = p.span.lo;
150 let ident = p.parse_ident();
151 let hi = p.last_span.hi;
152 Some(Ident{ident: ident, span: mk_sp(lo, hi)})
153 };
154 if p.token != token::EOF {
155 p.unexpected();
156 }
157 (ex, id)
158 }
160 fn target_endian_little(cx: &ExtCtxt, sp: Span) -> bool {
161 let meta = cx.meta_name_value(sp, InternedString::new("target_endian"),
162 ast::LitStr(InternedString::new("little"), ast::CookedStr));
163 contains(cx.cfg().as_slice(), meta)
164 }
166 // FIXME (10872): This is required to prevent an LLVM assert on Windows
167 #[test]
168 fn dummy_test() { }